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为什么 AWS Cloudfront 支持静态内容的 S3 存储桶

[英]Why AWS Cloudfront is backed with S3 bucket for static contents

It is common practice for a web application to rely on S3 bucket for static contents. Web 应用程序的常见做法是依赖 S3 存储桶存储静态内容。 S3 needs a network call same as application server call. S3 需要与应用程序服务器调用相同的网络调用。 Why not to depend on web server instead?为什么不依赖网络服务器呢?

You can certainly use CloudFront to serve content from your own origin, if you want to.如果愿意,您当然可以使用 CloudFront 从您自己的来源提供内容。

The advantages of serving from S3 are its high availability, high durability, high scale, ease of use, integration with other AWS services (like Lambda), and low cost.从 S3 提供服务的优势在于其高可用性、高持久性、高规模、易用性、与其他 AWS 服务(如 Lambda)的集成以及低成本。 Offloading static assets from your web servers to S3 also likely reduces the size and cost of your web server fleet.将静态资产从您的 Web 服务器卸载到 S3 也可能会降低您的 Web 服务器机群的规模和成本。

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