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aws firehose 到 s3 存储桶分区名称,如年=YYYY、月=MM、日=MM、小时=HH

[英]aws firehose to s3 bucket partitioning name like year=YYYY, month=MM, day=MM, hour=HH

Currently, AWS Firehose has a default partitioning feature to return the data into S3 with this following partitioned format of folders: YYYY/MM/DD/HH => eg: 2017/10/26/18目前,AWS Firehose 具有默认分区功能,可以使用以下文件夹分区格式将数据返回到 S3:YYYY/MM/DD/HH => eg: 2017/10/26/18

But, I would like to make it like this:但是,我想这样做:


Is there a way to make the default way to be like above in firehose?有没有办法让 firehose 中的默认方式像上面那样?

I was trying to trigger a SNS topic to invoke a lambda to change the names to be year=yyyy, month=mm, etc, but the problem is that firehose takes some time to create those default partitioned folders.我试图触发一个 SNS 主题来调用 lambda 将名称更改为 year=yyyy、month=mm 等,但问题是 firehose 需要一些时间来创建这些默认分区文件夹。 So I am not too sure how to achieve this without possible conflicts - lambda calls before folder has been created.所以我不太确定如何在没有可能的冲突的情况下实现这一目标 - 在创建文件夹之前调用 lambda。

It would be best if there is an AWS way to handle this, which would be an ideal - which I have not found it yet.如果有一种AWS方法来处理这个问题,那将是最好的,这将是一个理想的——我还没有找到它。

Any suggestion would be appreciative.任何建议将不胜感激。 Thanks!谢谢!

Using Dynamic Partitioning, you can use the following expression in the S3 bucket prefix on the Kinesis Firehose configuration:使用动态分区,您可以在 Kinesis Firehose 配置的S3 bucket prefix中使用以下表达式:


使用 s3 前缀选项作为 'year=!{timestamp:YYYY}/month=!{timestamp:MM}/day=!{timestamp:dd}/' 将您的文件夹结构设为 Year=2017/Month=10/Day= 26/小时=18


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