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RPA 备用等待命令选项

[英]RPA Alternate Wait Command options

I am building a bot that is sorting large amounts of data in excel (90k lines +).我正在构建一个在 excel 中对大量数据进行排序的机器人(90k 行 +)。 My issue is that the completion time of this command is variable ranging anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes.我的问题是此命令的完成时间是可变的,范围从几秒到 15 分钟不等。 However there are no commands that will let me proceed to the next step.但是,没有任何命令可以让我继续下一步。 I am forced to use a delay command for 10-15 minutes.我被迫使用延迟命令 10-15 分钟。 The Wait for window or screen change command do no work because the data changes every month.等待窗口或屏幕更改命令不起作用,因为数据每个月都在变化。 Can anyone think of an alternative solution?谁能想到替代解决方案?


You could use a VBscript file(.vbs) for performing your sort.您可以使用 VBscript 文件 (.vbs) 来执行排序。

Since VBS scripts can easily get running instances of Excel and interact with them.由于 VBS 脚本可以轻松获取正在运行的 Excel 实例并与之交互。 Also VBS scripts are synchronous so AA will wait for the script to finish execution if invoked through "Run Script" command.此外,VBS 脚本是同步的,因此如果通过“运行脚本”命令调用,AA 将等待脚本完成执行。

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