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是否可以使用 windows 命令提示符执行类似于 RPA 的操作?

[英]Is it possible to do something similiar to RPA using windows command prompt?

I need to automate a few tasks (data extraction, activating applications etc.) However, I cannot use any external automation software such as UiPath.我需要自动化一些任务(数据提取、激活应用程序等)。但是,我不能使用任何外部自动化软件,例如 UiPath。 Is there any inbuilt alternative I can use such as windows command prompt?有没有我可以使用的内置替代方法,例如 windows 命令提示符?

It was created so those tasks could be automated.创建它是为了使这些任务可以自动化。 you could use python to do most of those tasks, but none of the built in software will do that for you.您可以使用 python 来完成大部分任务,但没有一个内置软件可以为您完成这些任务。

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