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向网络表单提交添加自定义操作(拒绝、等待、接受) - Drupal 8

[英]Add custom action (rejected, waiting, accepted) to webform submissions - Drupal 8

We want to add a custom action (rejected, waiting, accepted) to manage submissions of a webform form under drupal 8.我们想添加一个自定义操作(拒绝、等待、接受)来管理在 drupal 8 下提交的 webform 表单。

how can we do that?我们怎么做?

Take a look at the Webform Application and Evaluation Demo within the Webform module.查看 Webform 模块中的 Webform Application and Evaluation Demo。 You can customize the code to accept other form states and perform different actions like lock and unlock by extending a bit.您可以自定义代码以接受其他表单状态并通过扩展一点来执行不同的操作,例如锁定和解锁。

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