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[英]OWLAPI: modify ontology after creating (HermiT) reasoner

I use OWLAPI with HermiT and it works unless I try to modify the ontology after the reasoner has been created.我将 OWLAPI 与 HermiT 一起使用,除非我在创建推理器后尝试修改本体,否则它可以工作。

Should the reasoner be notified of modifications of the ontology?是否应该通知推理者本体的修改? Or do I need to recreate the reasoner, or can I notify the reasoner that it should "synchronize" with the changes?或者我是否需要重新创建推理器,或者我可以通知推理器它应该与更改“同步”吗? (like the menu item in Protege) (就像 Protege 中的菜单项)

Edit: what "does not work": I am adding an axiom that makes the ontology inconsistent, and if I add it after creating the reasoner, the reasoner still reports it is consistent.编辑:什么“不起作用”:我添加了一个使本体不一致的公理,如果我在创建推理器后添加它,推理器仍然报告它是一致的。

The reasoner can be created in buffering or non buffering mode.可以在缓冲或非缓冲模式下创建推理器。 In non buffering mode, ontology changes will be immediately synchronized.在非缓冲模式下,本体更改将立即同步。

You are likely using buffering mode.您可能正在使用缓冲模式。 To synchronize, call the flush() method.要同步,请调用 flush() 方法。

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