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如何将多索引 DataFrame 带入嵌套字典结构?

[英]How to take a multi-indexed DataFrame to a nested dictionary structure?

How can you make a dataframe that has a multi-index and make it into a nice nested dictionary?如何制作具有多索引的数据框并将其制作成漂亮的嵌套字典?

Here's what I've tried so far, and it's close, however, the keys are tuples.这是我到目前为止尝试过的,并且很接近,但是,键是元组。 Looking to break those out into more dictionary keys.希望将它们分解为更多的字典键。

What I've Tried:我试过的:

that = {'Food':['Apple','Apple','Apple','Apple','Banana','Banana','Orange','Orange'],
    'time':[np.linspace(0,10,2) for i in range(8)]}

nn = pd.DataFrame(that)
nn = nn.set_index(['Food','Color','Type'])
vv = {}
for idx in nn.index:
   vv[idx] = nn.loc[idx]

{('Apple', 'Red', '100'): time    [0.0, 10.0]
 Name: (Apple, Red, 100), dtype: object,
 ('Apple', 'Green', '4'): time    [0.0, 10.0]
 Name: (Apple, Green, 4), dtype: object,
 ('Apple', 'Yellow', '7'): time    [0.0, 10.0]
 Name: (Apple, Yellow, 7), dtype: object,
 ('Apple', 'Red', '101'): time    [0.0, 10.0]
 Name: (Apple, Red, 101), dtype: object,
 ('Banana', 'Red', '100'): time    [0.0, 10.0]
 Name: (Banana, Red, 100), dtype: object,
 ('Banana', 'Green', '100'): time    [0.0, 10.0]
 Name: (Banana, Green, 100), dtype: object,
 ('Orange', 'Green', '4'): time    [0.0, 10.0]
 Name: (Orange, Green, 4), dtype: object,
 ('Orange', 'Yellow', '7'): time    [0.0, 10.0]
 Name: (Orange, Yellow, 7), dtype: object}

What I want the output to look like.我希望输出的样子。

vv = {'Apple':{'Red':{'100':[0,10],'101':[0,10]},

Edit: Changed the range back to 8... was a typo, and changed number of points in linspace to just be 2 points for simplicity to reflect the example.编辑:将范围改回 8 ... 是一个错字,为了简单起见,将 linspace 中的点数更改为 2 点以反映示例。

Edit 2: Looking for a general way to do this.编辑 2:寻找一种通用的方法来做到这一点。 In particular, a colleague of mine has written a treeView model in pyqt that accepts a nested dictionary for the tree.特别是,我的一位同事在 pyqt 中编写了一个 treeView 模型,该模型接受树的嵌套字典。 I just want to be able to take the dataframes that I have created to be quickly transformed into the format needed.我只是希望能够将我创建的数据帧快速转换为所需的格式。

For those curious on how to do this in general, here you go.对于那些对一般如何做到这一点感到好奇的人,你去吧。 Nice little function I wrote.我写的不错的小函数。 Works more for what I need.更适合我的需要。

that = {'Food':['Apple','Apple','Apple','Apple','Banana','Banana','Orange','Orange'],
        'time':[np.linspace(0,10,2) for i in range(8)]}

x = pd.DataFrame(that)

def NestedDict_fromDF(iDF,keyorder,values):
    if not isinstance(keyorder,list):
        keyorder = [keyorder]
    if not isinstance(values,list):
        values = [values]
    for i in reversed(range(len(keyorder))):
        if keyorder[i] not in iDF:
    for i in reversed(range(len(values))):
        if values[i] not in iDF:
    rdict = {}
    if keyorder:
        ndf = iDF.set_index(keyorder)
        def makeDict(basedict,group):
            for k,g in group:
                basedict[k] = {}
                    makeDict(basedict[k], g.droplevel(0).groupby(level=0))
                    if values:
                        basedict[k] = g[values].reset_index(drop=True)
                        basedict[k] = []
            return basedict
        rdict = makeDict({}, ndf.groupby(level=0))
    return rdict

yy = NestedDict_fromDF(x,['Food','Color','Type','Integer'],['time'])

{'Apple': {'Green': {'4':DataFrame},
           'Red': {'100':DataFrame,
           'Yellow': {'7':DataFrame}},
 'Banana': {'Green': {'100':DataFrame},
            'Red': {'100':DataFrame}},
 'Orange': {'Green': {'4':DataFrame},
            'Yellow': {'7':DataFrame}}}

It grew too complex, too fast:它变得太复杂、太快:

from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd

that = {'Food':['Apple','Apple','Apple','Apple','Banana','Banana','Orange','Orange'],
    'time':[np.linspace(0,10,2) for i in range(8)]}

nn = pd.DataFrame(that)
df = nn.groupby(['Food', 'Color', 'Type']).agg(list)
d = {}
new_df = df.groupby(level=[0,1]).apply(lambda df:df.xs(df.name).to_dict()).to_dict() #[1]
for (food, color), v in new_df.items():
    if not food in d:
        d[food] = {color: {Type: time[0].tolist() for Type, time in v['time'].items()}}
        d[food][color] = {Type: time[0].tolist() for Type, time in v['time'].items()}


{'Apple': {'Green': {'4': [0.0, 10.0]},
           'Red': {'100': [0.0, 10.0], '101': [0.0, 10.0]},
           'Yellow': {'7': [0.0, 10.0]}},
 'Banana': {'Green': {'100': [0.0, 10.0]}, 'Red': {'100': [0.0, 10.0]}},
 'Orange': {'Green': {'4': [0.0, 10.0]}, 'Yellow': {'7': [0.0, 10.0]}}}

[1] taken from: DataFrame with MultiIndex to dict [1] 取自: DataFrame with MultiIndex to dict

Huh!哼! got it finally!终于拿到了!

that = {'Food':['Apple','Apple','Apple','Apple','Banana','Banana','Orange','Orange'],
    'time':[np.linspace(0,10,2) for i in range(8)]}

nn = pd.DataFrame(that)
nn = nn.set_index(['Food','Color','Type'])
group = nn.groupby(level=0)
d = {k: g.droplevel(0).groupby(level=0)
       .apply(lambda df:df.xs(df.name)['time']
       .apply(lambda x:x.tolist()).to_dict())
       .to_dict() for k,g in group}

{'Apple': {'Green': {'4': [0.0, 10.0]},
           'Red': {'100': [0.0, 10.0], '101': [0.0, 10.0]},
           'Yellow': {'7': [0.0, 10.0]}},
 'Banana': {'Green': {'100': [0.0, 10.0]}, 'Red': {'100': [0.0, 10.0]}},
 'Orange': {'Green': {'4': [0.0, 10.0]}, 'Yellow': {'7': [0.0, 10.0]}}}

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