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为什么使用 rjags 和 R2Jags 拟合的模型输出不同?

[英]Why is the model output from a fit with rjags and R2Jags different?

I'm working on fitting a multi-level logistic regression model with group level predictors.我正在努力使用组级预测变量拟合多级逻辑回归模型。 I am using JAGS via R. I am getting different behaviors when I fit the model with the runjags versus the R2Jags packages.我通过 R 使用 JAGS。当我使用runjagsR2Jags包拟合模型时,我得到了不同的行为。

I've tried to write a reproducible example that shows the issue.我试图写一个可重现的例子来说明这个问题。 Below, I simulate data from a binomial model, index the data to 8 plots and 2 blocks, and then fit a multi-level logistic regression to recover the success probabilities ( b1 and b2 ) in the code below.下面,我模拟来自二项式模型的数据,将数据索引到 8 个图和 2 个块,然后拟合多级逻辑回归以恢复下面代码中的成功概率( b1b2 )。 Scroll to the bottom to see the summaries of the two fits.滚动到底部以查看两个拟合的摘要。

My question is:我的问题是:

  1. Why are the posteriors from these two fits different?为什么这两种拟合的后验不同? I am using the same data, a single model specification, and setting the random number generator before each.我使用相同的数据、单一的模型规范,并在每个数据之前设置随机数生成器。 Why does the mean of the posteriors differ, and why are the Rhat values so different?为什么后验的平均值不同,为什么Rhat值如此不同?
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading required packages
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

Package version information:包版本信息:

[1] ‘4.3.0’

R2jags_0.5-7   MCMCvis_0.13.5 rjags_4-10
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Simulate data
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

N.plots = 8
N.blocks = 2

n = rep(100,trials)

# Block 1
# Block 2

y = rbinom(trials, 100, p = c(b1,b2))

# vectors indexing plots and blocks
plot = rep(1:8,each=plotReps)
block = rep(1:2,each=blockReps)

# pass data to list for JAGS
data = list(
  y = y,
  n = n,
  N = length(n),
  plot = plot,
  block= block,
  N.plots = N.plots,
  N.blocks = N.blocks
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Code for JAGS model
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

modelString <- "model { 
  ## Priors

  # hyperpriors
  mu.alpha ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)

  sigma.plot ~ dunif(0,100) 
  tau.plot <- 1 / sigma.plot^2

  sigma.block ~ dunif(0,100) 
  tau.block <- 1 / sigma.block^2

  # priors 
  for(i in 1:N.plots){     

  for(i in 1:N.blocks){

  # Likelihood
  for(i in 1:N){
    logit(p[i]) <- mu.alpha + eps.plot[plot[i]] + eps.block[block[i]]
    y[i] ~ dbin(p[i], n[i])

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initial values
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# set inits for rjags
inits = list(list(mu.alpha = 0,sigma.plot=2,sigma.block=2),
             list(mu.alpha = 0,sigma.plot=2,sigma.block=2),
             list(mu.alpha = 0,sigma.plot=2,sigma.block=2)) 

# set inits function for R2jags
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set JAGS parameters and random seed
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# scalars that specify the 
# number of iterations in the chain for adaptation
# number of iterations for burn-in
# number of samples in the final chain
n.adapt = 500
n.update = 5000
n.iterations = 1000
n.thin = 1
parsToMonitor = c("mu.alpha","sigma.plot","sigma.block","eps.plot","eps.block")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Call to JAGS via rjags
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# tuning (n.adapt)
jm = jags.model(textConnection(modelString), data = data, inits = inits,
                n.chains = length(inits), n.adapt = n.adapt)

# burn-in (n.update)
update(jm, n.iterations = n.update)

# chain (n.iter)
samples.rjags = coda.samples(jm, variable.names = c(parsToMonitor), n.iter = n.iterations, thin = n.thin)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Call to JAGS via R2jags
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
samples.R2jags <-jags(data=data,inits=initsFun,parameters.to.save=parsToMonitor,model.file=textConnection(modelString),
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Summarize posteriors using MCMCvis
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sum.rjags <- MCMCvis::MCMCsummary(samples.rjags,params=c("mu.alpha","eps.plot","sigma.plot","sigma.block","eps.block"))

sum.R2jags2 <- MCMCvis::MCMCsummary(samples.R2jags,params=c("mu.alpha","eps.plot","sigma.plot","sigma.block","eps.block"))

Here is the output from an rjags fit:这是 rjags fit 的输出:

                     mean         sd         2.5%         50%       97.5% Rhat n.eff
mu.alpha      0.07858079 21.2186737 -48.99286669 -0.04046538 45.16440893 1.11  4063
eps.plot[1]  -1.77570813  0.8605892  -3.45736942 -1.77762035 -0.02258692 1.00  2857
eps.plot[2]  -0.37359614  0.8614370  -2.07913650 -0.37581522  1.36611635 1.00  2846
eps.plot[3]   0.43387001  0.8612820  -1.24273657  0.42332033  2.20253810 1.00  2833
eps.plot[4]   1.31279883  0.8615840  -0.38750596  1.31179143  3.06307745 1.00  2673
eps.plot[5]  -1.34317034  0.8749558  -3.06843578 -1.34747145  0.44451006 1.00  2664
eps.plot[6]  -0.40064738  0.8749104  -2.13233876 -0.41530587  1.37910977 1.00  2677
eps.plot[7]   0.36515253  0.8738092  -1.35364716  0.35784379  2.15597251 1.00  2692
eps.plot[8]   1.71826293  0.8765952  -0.01057452  1.70627507  3.50314147 1.00  2650
sigma.plot    1.67540914  0.6244529   0.88895789  1.53080631  3.27418094 1.01   741
sigma.block  19.54287007 26.1348353   0.14556791  6.68959552 93.21927035 1.22    94
eps.block[1] -0.55924545 21.2126905 -46.34099332 -0.24261169 48.81435107 1.11  4009
eps.block[2]  0.35658731 21.2177540 -44.65998407  0.25801739 49.31921639 1.11  4457

and here is the output from an R2jags fit:这是 R2jags 拟合的输出:

                   mean         sd         2.5%         50%       97.5% Rhat n.eff
mu.alpha     -0.09358847 19.9972601 -45.81215297 -0.03905447 47.32288503 1.04  1785
eps.plot[1]  -1.70448172  0.8954054  -3.41749845 -1.70817566  0.08187877 1.00  1141
eps.plot[2]  -0.30070570  0.8940527  -2.01982416 -0.30458798  1.46954632 1.00  1125
eps.plot[3]   0.50295713  0.8932038  -1.20985348  0.50458106  2.29271214 1.01  1156
eps.plot[4]   1.37862742  0.8950657  -0.34965321  1.37627777  3.19545411 1.01  1142
eps.plot[5]  -1.40421696  0.8496819  -3.10743244 -1.41880218  0.25843323 1.01  1400
eps.plot[6]  -0.45810643  0.8504694  -2.16755579 -0.47087931  1.20827684 1.01  1406
eps.plot[7]   0.30319019  0.8492508  -1.39045509  0.28668886  1.96325582 1.01  1500
eps.plot[8]   1.65474420  0.8500635  -0.03632306  1.63399429  3.29585024 1.01  1395
sigma.plot    1.66375532  0.6681285   0.88231891  1.49564854  3.45544415 1.04   304
sigma.block  20.64694333 23.0418085   0.41071589 11.10308188 85.56459886 1.09    78
eps.block[1] -0.45810120 19.9981027 -46.85060339 -0.33090743 46.27709625 1.04  1795
eps.block[2]  0.58896195 19.9552211 -46.39310677  0.28183123 46.57874408 1.04  1769

Here are trace plots for mu.alpha from the 2 fits.以下是 2 个拟合中 mu.alpha 的跟踪图。 First, from the rjags fit:首先,从rjags fit:

来自 rjags fit 的 mu.alpha 跟踪图

Second, from the R2jags fit:二、从R2jags拟合:

来自 R2Jags fit 的 mu.alpha 的跟踪图

While part of the issue is related to a lack of convergence for mu.alpha , another issue is how both packages determine the number of samples to collect from the posterior distribution.虽然部分问题与mu.alpha缺乏收敛性有关,但另一个问题是两个包如何确定从后验分布中收集的样本数量。 Additionally, the update call after jags.model should be:此外, jags.model之后的update调用应该是:

update(jm, n.iter = n.update)

instead of代替

update(jm, n.iterations = n.update)

For rjags you can pretty easily specify the number of adaptation steps, update steps, and iteration steps.对于rjags您可以非常轻松地指定适应步骤、更新步骤和迭代步骤的数量。 Looking at samples.rjags it is quite clear that each chain has a posterior of length n.iterations , for a total of (in this example) 3000 samples ( n.iterations * n.chains ).查看samples.rjags很明显,每个链都有一个长度为n.iterations的后验,总共(在本例中)3000 个样本( n.iterations * n.chains )。 Conversely, R2jags::jags will sample the posterior a number of times equal to the n.iter argument minus the n.burnin argument.相反, R2jags::jags将采样后验次数等于n.iter参数减去n.burnin参数。 So, as you have specified this you have 1) not included the n.update steps into R2jags::jags and 2) only sampled the posterior a total of 1500 times (each chain only keeps 500 samples) compared to 3000 times from rjags .因此,正如您所指定的那样,您有 1) 未将n.update步骤包含在n.update R2jags::jags并且 2) 仅对后部采样了 1500 次(每个链仅保留 500 个样本),而rjags则为 3000 次。

If you wanted do a similar burn-in and sample the same number of times you could instead run:如果您想进行类似的老化并采样相同的次数,您可以运行:

samples.R2jags <-jags(
  n.burnin=n.adapt + n.update ,
  n.iter=n.iterations +n.update + n.adapt,

Finally, R2jags loads the glm module by default while rjags does not.最后, R2jags默认加载glm模块,而rjags不加载。 This could potentially cause some discrepancies as the samplers that get used are likely different (at least in this case because you are fitting a glm).这可能会导致一些差异,因为使用的采样器可能不同(至少在这种情况下,因为您正在拟合 glm)。 You could load the glm module with a rjags::load.module('glm') call before calling jags.model .您可以在调用jags.model之前使用rjags::load.module('glm')调用加载 glm 模块。

And while this is not related to the question, per se, I would avoid you i in your for loops within the model for each loop (use a different letter if the number of iterations varies among loops):虽然这与问题本身无关,但我会在每个循环的模型内的 for 循环中避免您i (如果循环之间的迭代次数不同,则使用不同的字母):

modelString <- "model { 
  ## Priors

  # hyperpriors
  mu.alpha ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)

  sigma.plot ~ dunif(0,100) 
  tau.plot <- 1 / sigma.plot^2

  sigma.block ~ dunif(0,100) 
  tau.block <- 1 / sigma.block^2

  # priors 
  for(i in 1:N.plots){     

  for(j in 1:N.blocks){

  # Likelihood
  for(k in 1:N){
    logit(p[k]) <- mu.alpha + eps.plot[plot[k]] + eps.block[block[k]]
    y[k] ~ dbin(p[k], n[k])


I'm pretty sure the reason your posteriors are different is because Jags doesn't care about a seed set in R code.我很确定你的后验不同的原因是因为 Jags 不关心 R 代码中的种子集。

However!然而! While the set.seed() does nothing directly for Jags and is useless when calling Jags directly via rjags, it does get propagated when you use R2Jags.虽然set.seed()set.seed()没有任何直接作用,并且在通过 rjags 直接调用 Jags 时也无用处,但当您使用 R2Jags 时,它确实会传播。

Let's compare:我们来比较一下:

  • rjags is a lower level interface. rjags 是一个较低级别的接口。 If you don't provide a choice of random generator and seeds in your inits Jags will base their initialisation is based on the current timestamp.如果您不提供随机生成器的选择,并且您的inits种子将基于当前时间戳进行初始化。
  • R2Jags wraps around rjags functions. R2Jags 环绕 rjags 函数。 The jags() (R2Jags) function calls jags.model() (rjags). jags jags() (R2Jags) 函数调用jags.model() (rjags)。 If you check out the R-code of the jags() function you will see that it generates a seed for each chain using the runif() function in R. As the Jags seeds are relying on the output of the runif() function in R, setting a seed in R will ensure you get the same seeds for Jags every time you run.如果您查看jags()函数的 R 代码,您将看到它使用 R 中的runif()函数为每个链生成一个种子。 由于runif()种子依赖于runif()函数的输出R,在 R 中设置种子将确保您每次运行时获得相同的 Jags 种子。

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