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[英]Update parent table column only if all the values of child table rows are a specific value

I have 2 tables, orders and order_items.我有 2 个表,orders 和 order_items。 Each order can have multiple order_items.每个订单可以有多个 order_items。

An order has an id and orderStatus :一个订单有一个idorderStatus


An order_item as id , orderId and orderItemStatus :一个 order_item 作为idorderIdorderItemStatus 在此处输入图片说明

I want to update the status of order's from OPEN to FULFILLED if all an order's order_items have status of ISSUED .我想更新的status ,从订单的的OPENFULFILLED ,如果所有订单的ORDER_ITEMS有statusISSUED If at least one order_item is not ISSUED , the order status should remain as OPEN .如果至少有一个 order_item 不是ISSUED ,则订单status应保持为OPEN How can I do this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

You can use a NOT EXISTS subquery as condition.您可以使用 NOT EXISTS 子查询作为条件。

update order o
set o.orderStatus = 'FULFILLED'
where o.orderStatus = 'OPEN'
  and not exists (
    select *
    from order_item i
    where i.orderId = o.id
      and i.orderItemStatus <> 'ISSUED'

This will only update orders which have status 'OPEN' and have no items with status 'ISSUED'.这只会更新状态为“OPEN”且没有状态为“ISSUED”的商品的订单。

You could check for orders_item with status ISSUED if this is the unique status如果这是唯一状态,您可以检查状态为 ISSUED 的 orders_item

    update orders o
    inner join (
      select orderID, count( dictinct orderItemStatus)
      from order_item
      group by orderID
      having count( dictinct orderItemStatus) = 1
    )  t on t.orderID = o.id 
    inner join order_item i on i.orderID  = o.id 
      AND orderItemStatus  = 'ISSUED'

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