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Azure 可用性设置或区域虚拟机自动开启

[英]Azure availability set or zone vm auto turn on

I have a VM that runs IIS and SQL server for an enterprise application used by around 100 users.我有一个运行 IIS 和 SQL 服务器的虚拟机,供大约 100 个用户使用的企业应用程序。

Right now I just have this VM but I would like to add some availability.现在我只有这个虚拟机,但我想增加一些可用性。 It's not critical to have zero downtime application but at least that if by some reason the server fails then I'm able to wake up a secondary instance and reroute traffic to it.零停机应用程序并不重要,但至少如果服务器由于某种原因发生故障,那么我能够唤醒辅助实例并将流量重新路由到它。

So I guess this is done by using Availabilty Sets but what I understand is that I have at least to have two VMs in the availability set and load balancer so traffic is redirected round robin to each VM.所以我想这是通过使用可用性集来完成的,但据我所知,我至少必须在可用性集中有两个虚拟机和负载均衡器,以便将流量重定向到每个虚拟机。 By using the above approach that means that I must have to pay for having two instances with same specs I guess.通过使用上述方法,我猜想我必须为拥有两个具有相同规格的实例付费。

What I would like and don't know if this is possible is like having same above scenario where one the of the VMs is stopped so I don't get any charge and in case of VM failure I can started maybe manually so the application works again.我想要但不知道这是否可能就像上面的场景一样,其中一个虚拟机停止了,所以我不收取任何费用,如果虚拟机出现故障,我可以手动启动,这样应用程序就可以工作再次。 If this is possible how does the hard drive is available so that the other VM always have the latest data.如果可能的话,硬盘驱动器如何可用,以便其他虚拟机始终拥有最新数据。

If it's not possible then can I have then for the availabilty set a second VM with the lowest specs that my app can support so if the main VM fails at least critical users can still access the app (maybe performance won't be great but app will work) and when main VM is functional again then main traffic is again redirected to main VM.如果不可能,那么我是否可以为可用性设置第二个具有我的应用程序可以支持的最低规格的虚拟机,这样如果主虚拟机出现故障,至少关键用户仍然可以访问该应用程序(也许性能不会很好,但应用程序将工作)并且当主 VM 再次运行时,主流量将再次重定向到主 VM。

you can achieve this by having 2 vms with premium disks only and having one as a cold backup.您可以通过仅拥有 2 个带有高级磁盘的虚拟机并将一个作为冷备份来实现这一点。 single vm qualify for an SLA if they only use premium disks, SLA would be 99.9% afair.如果单个虚拟机仅使用高级磁盘,则它们有资格获得 SLA,SLA 将达到 99.9%。

with AV sets - you need to have at least 2 running vms.使用 AV 集 - 您需要至少有 2 个正在运行的虚拟机。

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