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无法将azure VM放入可用区

[英]Unable to put the azure VM into the availability zone

I need two Azure VMs into different availability zones in the US region.我需要两个 Azure 虚拟机进入美国地区的不同可用性区域。

However when trying to put VM into the availability zone I get an error:但是,当尝试将 VM 放入可用区时,出现错误: 可用区错误

In the azure support console, there is no way to explicitly request the "availability zone" feature.在 azure 支持控制台中,没有办法明确请求“可用区”功能。 While doing the "quota increase request" you can only change the number of required VMs, but no way to specify that the issue is caused by absence of "availability zone" permission.在做“quota increase request”时,你只能更改所需的VM数量,但无法指定问题是由于缺少“availability zone”权限引起的。

I've already tried the following:我已经尝试过以下方法:

  • fired 5 "quota increase request" support tickets during the last two weeks, all of them are "approved" but issue is still in place.在过去的两周内发出了 5 个“增加配额请求”支持票,它们都被“批准”,但问题仍然存在。

  • contacted azure chat support, who confirmed that the issue caused by the absence of "availability zone" permission and asked to create the same "quota increase request" and describe my problem in the summary.联系了 azure 聊天支持,他确认问题是由缺少“可用区”权限引起的,并要求创建相同的“配额增加请求”并在摘要中描述我的问题。 Done, with no success完成,没有成功

  • contacted azure twitter support, who promised to escalate the "quota increase request" + add the description of the problem to it explicitly.联系了 azure twitter 支持,他们承诺升级“配额增加请求”+明确添加问题描述。 Ticket is "approved", issue still in place.工单已“批准”,问题仍然存在。

So the question is: how do you unlock the VMs assignment to availability zone in the US East (or US East 2, or any other region).所以问题是:如何解锁分配给美国东部(或美国东部 2 或任何其他区域)可用区的 VM。 I am sure it must be a pretty common task, I did it many times within different accounts.我确信这一定是一项非常常见的任务,我在不同的帐户中做了很多次。 But on this particular new account it now seems impossible to do, and I wonder how other developers/administrators tackles this requirement.但是在这个特定的新帐户上现在似乎不可能做到,我想知道其他开发人员/管理员如何解决这个要求。

I am from the Microsoft for Founders Hub team.我来自 Microsoft for Founders Hub 团队。 Is your issue specific to this VM size and the region?您的问题是否特定于此 VM 大小和区域? Have you tried to select a different VM size or a different region to see if you get the same error?您是否尝试过 select 不同的 VM 大小或不同的区域以查看是否出现相同的错误?

Can you also try to run the following az cli command and see what you get?您是否也可以尝试运行以下 az cli 命令并查看结果?

az vm list-skus --location eastus --size Standard_B1s -o table

Also refer to the following documentation for further details: https://aka.ms/azureskunotavailable另请参阅以下文档了解更多详细信息: https://aka.ms/azureskunotavailable

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