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Powershell:调用调试分析器 cdb.exe 作为进程

[英]Powershell: Call Debug Analyzer cdb.exe as Process

i need to call the cdb.exe as a Process to check to kill the process after a few seconds.我需要调用 cdb.exe 作为进程来检查几秒钟后终止进程。 Some Dumps cannot be analyzed so i have to do an other call.有些转储无法分析,所以我必须再打一个电话。 Here you can see my code.在这里你可以看到我的代码。 But it doesn't work.但它不起作用。 The cdb.exe is not started correctly and i am not getting the output file. cdb.exe 没有正确启动,我没有得到输出文件。

Do you have some advises for me?你对我有什么建议吗? The call "before" implementing the process part starts the cdb.exe实现进程部分的调用“before”启动 cdb.exe

   $maximumRuntimeSeconds = 3

            $path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86\cdb.exe"

            $process = Start-Process -FilePath $path "-z $unzippedFile.FullName, -c `".symfix;.reload;!analyze -v; q`""

            try {
                $process | Wait-Process -Timeout $maximumRuntimeSeconds -ErrorAction Stop > $outputFile
                Write-Warning -Message 'Process successfully completed within timeout.'
            catch {
                Write-Warning -Message 'Process exceeded timeout, will be killed now.'
                $process | Stop-Process -Force

            # call before implementing Process
            & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86\cdb.exe" -z $unzippedFile.FullName -c ".symfix;.reload;!analyze -v; q" > $outputFile

-Passthru was needed to make Wait-Process work. -需要Passthru 才能使Wait-Process 工作。

I think you also need to look at how the double quoted string is expanding.我认为您还需要查看双引号字符串是如何扩展的。 I think $UnzippedFIle.Fullname might be adding a literal ".FullName" at the end of the actual fullname of the zip file.我认为$UnzippedFIle.Fullname 可能会在 zip 文件的实际全名末尾添加文字“.FullName”。 I don't have your environment, but the rudementary tests I've done show that.我没有你的环境,但我所做的基本测试表明了这一点。 Try packing it in a sub-expression like:尝试将其打包在子表达式中,例如:

"-z $($unzippedFile.FullName), -c `".symfix;.reload;!analyze -v; q`""

Let me know how that goes.让我知道这是怎么回事。 Thanks.谢谢。

C:\>dir /b ok.txt
File Not Found

C:\>type dodump.ps1

$path = "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86\cdb.exe"
$process = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath $path -ArgumentList "-z `"C:\calc.DMP`"" ,
 "-c `".symfix;.reload;!analyze -v;q`"" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\\ok.txt

try {
$process | Wait-Process -Timeout 100 -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "Process finished within timeout"
}catch {
$process | Stop-Process
Write-Host "process killed"
Get-Content  C:\ok.txt |Measure-Object -Line

C:\>powershell -f dodump.ps1

Process finished within timeout
Lines Words Characters Property

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