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ar.js 单击适用于 PC 但不适用于移动设备

[英]ar.js clicking works on pc but not on mobile

I am building a small application with ar.js and everything seems to work on pc but once I try it on my phone I can't seem to be able to click anymore.我正在用 ar.js 构建一个小应用程序,一切似乎都可以在 pc 上运行,但是一旦我在手机上尝试,我似乎无法再点击。 Everything also ends up being stretched or squashed depending on the rotation of the phone.根据手机的旋转,一切最终也会被拉伸或压扁。

I think the not being able to press anything has to do with the stretching/squashing but I don't know how I should fix such an issue?我认为无法按下任何东西与拉伸/挤压有关,但我不知道我应该如何解决这样的问题?

Currently, the js looks like this目前,js 看起来像这样

  init: function ()
      var el = this.el;
      el.addEventListener('click', (e) =>
         console.log("item pressed");

and the Html code like this:和这样的 Html 代码:

<a-entity id='3dmodel' interactable-object position="1 0 -2" scale="5 5 5"
                        obj-model=" obj: url(models/3dmodel.obj);
                                    mtl: url(models/3dmaterial.mtl); ">


I use cursor: rayOrigin: mouse;我使用cursor: rayOrigin: mouse; in my a-marker;在我的标记中; I don't know if this is the correct one to use for mobile touch either?我不知道这是否也适合用于移动触控? Am I doing something wrong or is there a way to make the object more responsive?我做错了什么还是有办法使对象更具响应性?

I'm using ar.js 2.2.1 and aframe 0.9.2.我正在使用 ar.js 2.2.1 和 aframe 0.9.2。

As far as i know you need to listen to 'touchstart' also:据我所知,您还需要听“touchstart”:

el.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) =>

But the problem i'm facing now is that this doesn't work well on the edges of the screen, if someone knows a workaround let me know.但是我现在面临的问题是这在屏幕边缘效果不佳,如果有人知道解决方法,请告诉我。

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