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无法在 Xbox One VS2019 上构建 Unity 和运行 UWP。 构建工具的问题

[英]Can't build Unity and Run UWP to Xbox One VS2019. Problem with Build tools

I'm trying to port my Unity 2019.1 created Steam and mobile game to Xbox One and UWP.我正在尝试将我的 Unity 2019.1 创建的 Steam 和手机游戏移植到 Xbox One 和 UWP。 I can create a VS project and build and deploy to console.我可以创建一个 VS 项目并构建和部署到控制台。 Running "Build and Run" from Unity 2019.1 throws up this error:从 Unity 2019.1 运行“Build and Run”会抛出这个错误:

D:_Programming Stuff\\Unity\\output_Data\\ionAXXIA_UWP\\Il2CppOutputProject\\Il2CppOutputProject.vcxproj : warning : The build tools for Visual Studio 2017 (v141) cannot be found. D:_Programming Stuff\\Unity\\output_Data\\ionAXXIA_UWP\\Il2CppOutputProject\\Il2CppOutputProject.vcxproj:警告:无法找到 Visual Studio 2017 (v141) 的构建工具。 Install Visual Studio 2017 (v141) to build using the Visual Studio 2017 (v141) build tools.安装 Visual Studio 2017 (v141) 以使用 Visual Studio 2017 (v141) 构建工具进行构建。

Is it possible to Build and Run from Unity to Xbox console, and if so, what do I need to do to fix this error?是否可以从 Unity 构建并运行到 Xbox 控制台,如果可以,我需要做什么来修复此错误?

Dunno why I was downvoted.不知道为什么我被否决了。 Turns out it was a bug fixed in 2020.1.0a4, 2018.4.10f1, 2019.2.6f1, 2019.3.0b4.原来这是 2020.1.0a4、2018.4.10f1、2019.2.6f1、2019.3.0b4 中修复的错误。 So 2019.2 and 2019.3 were fixed but 2019.1 wasn't.所以 2019.2 和 2019.3 是固定的,但 2019.1 不是。 A project migration to 2019.2 fixed the issue and didn't cause any other problems with my project.项目迁移到 2019.2 解决了这个问题,并且没有对我的项目造成任何其他问题。

https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/uwp-building-project-for-visual-studio-2019-generates-solution-that-targets-build-tools-for-vs-2017-tool-set-v141?_ga=2.235968517.563689385.1582629936-2037394333.1563991472 https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/uwp-building-project-for-visual-studio-2019-generates-solution-that-targets-build-tools-for-vs-2017-tool-set-v141? _ga=2.235968517.563689385.1582629936-2037394333.1563991472

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