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[英]Given a dictionary with lists of strings as their values, how would you retrieve all keys where the list contains a string unique to all other lists?

As an example if the dictionary was this:例如,如果字典是这样的:

myDict = {"egg sandwich":["bread", "lettuce", "mayo","egg"], 
          "sad sandwich":["bread","lettuce","mayo"],
          "ham sandwich":["bread","lettuce","mayo","ham"],
          "healthy sandwich":["lettuce"],
          "breakfast sandwich":["bread","egg","mayo"]}

The function should return "ham sandwich" , since it is the only sandwich that contains an ingredient (ham) unique to a comparison of all other lists.该函数应返回“火腿三明治”,因为它是唯一包含与所有其他列表进行比较时所独有的成分(火腿)的三明治。

This seems to work:这似乎有效:

def get_unique_item(d):
    all_ingredients = [y for x in d.values() for y in x]

    output = []
    for name, ingredients in d.items():
        for ingredient in ingredients:
            if all_ingredients.count(ingredient) == 1:

    return output

myDict = {"egg sandwich":["bread", "lettuce", "mayo","egg"], 
          "sad sandwich":["bread","lettuce","mayo"],
          "ham sandwich":["bread","lettuce","mayo","ham"],
          "healthy sandwich":["lettuce"],
          "breakfast sandwich":["bread","egg","mayo"]}



['ham sandwich']

Basically, we create a list of all occurrences of all ingredients, and for each sandwich, we check if there are any ingredients which only occur once.基本上,我们创建一个所有成分的所有出现的列表,对于每个三明治,我们检查是否有任何成分只出现一次。

If you really want to, you can make it a one-line list comprehension:如果你真的想,你可以把它变成一个单行列表理解:

[name for name, ingredients in d.items() if any([y for x in d.values() for y in set(x)].count(i) == 1 for i in ingredients)]


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