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ABAP 使用 xpath 查询 XML 文件

[英]ABAP Query an XML file with xpath

My goal is to query an XML document by XPath.我的目标是通过 XPath 查询 XML 文档。 I couldn't find an option to do this with the if_ixml framework.我找不到使用if_ixml框架执行此操作的选项。 I have found this article (sadly it's in German) about querying an XSLT file with XPath using CL_XSLT_PROCESSOR but that doesn't seem to work anymore, it seems like ->run( space ) is the problem, and I get this short dump with message:我发现这篇文章(遗憾的是它是德语)关于使用CL_XSLT_PROCESSOR使用 XPath 查询 XSLT 文件,但这似乎不再起作用,似乎->run( space )是问题所在,我得到了这个简短的转储信息:

No valid XSLT program supplied未提供有效的 XSLT 程序

Even while trying with the wrapper class CL_PROXY_XPATH in the code below, I get the same short dump.即使在下面的代码中尝试使用包装类CL_PROXY_XPATH时,我也得到了相同的短转储。

It feels like that there must be a class to do exactly this.感觉必须有一个类来做到这一点。

DATA(s) = |<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><codedb><cl id="3">|
       && |<enumeration value="AAA"/><enumeration value="AAB"/><enumeration value="AAC"/>|
       && |<enumeration value="AAD"/><enumeration value="AAE"/>|
       && |</cl></codedb>|.

data(xpp) = new cl_proxy_xpath( ).
xpp->set_source_string( s ).
xpp->run( expression = '//cl[@id=3]/enumeration[@value=$codeValue3]' ).     "<== SHORTDUMP
data(nodes) = xpp->get_nodes( ).
"Calculate all values from the nodes
data(node) = nodes->get_next( ).
while node is bound.
    write: / node->get_value( ).
    node = nodes->get_next( ).

There are two issues in your code:您的代码中有两个问题:

  • One is that your XPath expression contains $codeValue3 which results in a No valid XSLT program supplied short dump.一个是您的 XPath 表达式包含$codeValue3 ,这会导致No valid XSLT program supplied $codeValue3 short dump。
  • One is due to the node in your input XML, <enumeration value="AAC"/> , which contains an empty "text value" (it doesn't contain the attributes), so the method get_value returns an empty value.一个是由于输入 XML 中的节点<enumeration value="AAC"/>包含一个空的“文本值”(它不包含属性),因此方法get_value返回一个空值。

When it's corrected, both CL_XSLT_PROCESSOR and CL_PROXY_XPATH should work fine.更正后, CL_XSLT_PROCESSORCL_PROXY_XPATH都应该可以正常工作。

Here is a working code tested in ABAP 7.52, one with CL_PROXY_XPATH and one with CL_XSLT_PROCESSOR :这是在 ABAP 7.52 中测试的工作代码,一个带有CL_PROXY_XPATH ,一个带有CL_XSLT_PROCESSOR

DATA(s) = |<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><codedb><cl id="3">|
       && |<enumeration value="AAA"/><enumeration value="AAB"/>|
       && |<enumeration value="AAC">AAC value</enumeration>|          "<====
       && |<enumeration value="AAD"/><enumeration value="AAE"/>|
       && |</cl></codedb>|.
DATA(expression) = `//cl[@id=3]/enumeration[@value="AAC"]`.

DATA(xpp) = NEW cl_proxy_xpath( ).
xpp->set_source_string( s ).
DATA(nodes) = xpp->get_nodes( expression = expression ).
DATA(node) = nodes->get_next( ).
  WRITE node->get_value( ). " Get text value of node (not attributes)
  node = nodes->get_next( ).

DATA(xpp2) = NEW cl_xslt_processor( ).
xpp2->set_source_string( s ).
xpp2->set_expression( expression = expression ).
xpp2->run( ' ' ).
DATA(nodes2) = xpp2->get_nodes( ).
DO nodes2->get_length( ) TIMES.
  DATA(node2) = nodes2->get_item( sy-index - 1 ).
  WRITE node2->get_value( ).



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