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[英]XPath query to parse xml properties file

I have the following xml document: 我有以下xml文档:

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">  
    <comment>My Happy Configuration</comment>  
    <entry key="HappyKey">Happy Key</entry>  
    <entry key="SadKey">Sad Key</entry>  
    <entry key="AngryKey">Angry Key</entry>  
    <entry key="ConfusedKey">Confused Key</entry>  

I am executing the following xpath query: 我正在执行以下xpath查询:


I anticipate this to return HappyKey, however it returns nothing. 我预计这将返回HappyKey,但是它什么也不会返回。



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