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使用 PHP 在 MySQL 数据库中从 UTC 正确转换为时区

[英]Correctly converting to timezone from UTC in MySQL database with PHP

I see that a stored date value in phpmyadmin is 2020-03-03.我看到 phpmyadmin 中存储的日期值为 2020-03-03。 In PHP, I set the default timezone to UTC and the user's timezone to America/New_York:在 PHP 中,我将默认时区设置为 UTC,将用户的时区设置为 America/New_York:

$userTimeZone = new DateTimeZone('America/New_York');

I retrieve my date from the database, set the timezone on the date, and make it into a string.我从数据库中检索我的日期,在日期上设置时区,并将其转换为字符串。 It now equals a day earlier.现在等于一天前。 (03-02-2020) (03-02-2020)

$dateNeeded = new DateTime($row['dateNeeded']); 
$dateNeededStr = $dateNeeded->format('m-d-Y');

What did I do incorrectly here?我在这里做错了什么?

It is not incorrect.这是不正确的。 Your date is stored without the time component, which means when you put it in a DateTime constructor, it will be created as midnight ( $dateNeeded = new DateTime($row['dateNeeded']) will have the value of 2020-03-03 00:00:00 .您的日期存储时没有时间组件,这意味着当您将其放入DateTime构造函数时,它将被创建为午夜( $dateNeeded = new DateTime($row['dateNeeded'])将具有2020-03-03 00:00:00

That's in UTC timezone because you defined it so at the start.这是在 UTC 时区,因为您在开始时就定义了它。 So when you change the timezone, it will move back (as New York is UTC - 5) and gain the value of 2020-03-02 19:00:00 .因此,当您更改时区时,它将返回(因为纽约是 UTC - 5)并获得2020-03-02 19:00:00的值。

Since you're only outputting the date in your format (and not the time), it comes out as a day early.由于您仅以您的格式输出日期(而不是时间),因此它会提前一天输出。

Dont use date_default_timezone_set('UTC');不要使用date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); because MySQL server will use server timezone not UTC,因为 MySQL 服务器将使用服务器时区而不是 UTC,

In example,例如,

Your server time zone is GMT +2您的服务器时区是 GMT +2

And you set your server timezone to GMT +0;并且您将服务器时区设置为 GMT +0;

Then you read your date on database which stored on GMT + 2 time zone然后您在存储在 GMT + 2 时区的数据库上读取您的日期

When you try to convert it to other timezone, eg GMT + 5,当您尝试将其转换为其他时区时,例如 GMT + 5,

It will shift 7 hour not 5 hour它将移动 7 小时而不是 5 小时

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