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时区:Mysql保存UTC和PHP读取America / Sao_Paulo

[英]Timezone: Mysql save UTC and PHP read America/Sao_Paulo

I would like to save at mysql in UTC timezone and read with PHP using America/Sao_Paulo timezone. 我想保存在UTC时区的mysql中,并使用America / Sao_Paulo时区与PHP一起阅读。

Im using YII framework. 我正在使用YII框架。 Its not working property, how could I do that? 它不起作用,我该怎么办?

main.php: main.php:

'timezone' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',

    'initSQLs'=>array("SET time_zone = '+00:00'"),

Try this on your mysql console or gui: 在您的mysql控制台或gui上尝试一下:

mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql

Then use again: 然后再次使用:

SET time_zone='America/Sao_Paulo';

You also can change by this: 您还可以通过以下方式进行更改:

SET time_zone = 'Brazil/West';

Source: http://blog.will.eti.br/2013/mysql-unknown-or-incorrect-time-zone-americasao_paulo/ 资料来源: http : //blog.will.eti.br/2013/mysql-unknown-or-incorrect-time-zone-americasao_paulo/

Do this in your PHP code: 在您的PHP代码中执行此操作:


Now PHP operates in UTC. 现在,PHP在UTC中运行。 It's up to you to convert to user local times but you have a common ground. 由您决定转换为本地用户时间,但是您有共同点。

And in MySQL use UTC_TIMESTAMP() for your DATETIME needs. 在MySQL中,根据您的DATETIME需求使用UTC_TIMESTAMP() It uses UTC time regardless of the MySQL settings so you don't need to worry anymore. 无论MySQL设置如何,它都使用UTC时间,因此您无需担心。

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