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如何使用 mlr3 估算数据并使用 NA 值进行预测?

[英]How to impute data with mlr3 and predict with NA values?

I followed the documentation of mlr3 regarding the imputation of data with pipelines.我遵循了 mlr3 关于管道数据插补的文档 However, the mode that I have trained does not allow predictions if a one column is NA但是,如果一列是 NA,我训练的模式不允许预测

Do you have any idea why it doesn't work?你知道为什么它不起作用吗?

train step训练步


data("mtcars", package = "datasets")
data = mtcars[, 1:3]
task_mtcars = TaskRegr$new(id="cars", backend = data, target = "mpg")

imp_missind = po("missind")
imp_num     = po("imputehist", param_vals =list(affect_columns = selector_type("numeric")))
scale = po("scale")
learner = lrn('regr.ranger')

graph = po("copy", 2) %>>% 
  gunion(list(imp_num %>>% scale,imp_missind)) %>>%
  po("featureunion") %>>%

graphlearner = GraphLearner$new(graph)

predict step预测步骤

data = task_mtcars$data()[12:12,]
data[1:1, cyl:=NA]
predict(graphlearner, data)

The error is错误是

Error: Missing data in columns: cyl.

The example in the mlr3gallery seems to work for your case, so you basically have to switch the order of imputehist and missind . mlr3gallery中的示例似乎适用于您的情况,因此您基本上必须切换imputehistmissind的顺序。

Another approach would be to set the missind's which hyperparameter to "all" in order to enforce the creation of an indicator for every column.另一种方法是将missind 的which超参数设置为“all”,以强制为每一列创建一个指标。

This is actually a bug, where missind returns the full task if trained on data with no missings (which in turn then overwrites the imputed values).这实际上是一个错误,如果对没有缺失的数据进行训练, missind返回完整的任务(然后覆盖估算值)。 Thanks a lot for spotting it.非常感谢您发现它。 I am trying to fix it here PR我试图在这里修复它PR

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