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[英]Ensure one function executes once at a time

How can i ensure a function to be called once and it can only be called again after the tasks of previous call is fully executed.我如何确保一个函数被调用一次,并且只有在上一次调用的任务完全执行后才能再次调用它。

I am talking about a event generated function call in MFC c++ VS2019 windows, so calling the function is not controllable.我说的是MFC c++ VS2019 windows中的一个事件生成函数调用,所以调用函数是不可控的。

for example例如


// inside the class declaration
afx_msg LRESULT OnMyMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

LRESULT CMyWnd2::OnMyMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

   // The task here might take some time to finish execution.

   return 0;

I want to ensure when OnMyMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) is being executed, any other call to this function must be ignored.我想确保在执行OnMyMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) ,必须忽略对此函数的任何其他调用。

It's a bit unclear how OnMyMessage can be called when you're still in OnMyMessage .这是一个有点不清楚如何OnMyMessage可以当你还在被称为OnMyMessage

But anyway maybe this helps: it won't prevent the call of OnMyMessage , but once in OnMyMessage we just check if there is another ongoing OnMyMessage and in that case we just do nothing.但无论如何这可能会OnMyMessage帮助:它不会阻止OnMyMessage的调用,但是一旦在OnMyMessage我们只检查是否有另一个正在进行的OnMyMessage ,在这种情况下我们什么都不做。

LRESULT CMyWnd2::OnMyMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

   static bool inMyMessage;

   if (inMyMessage)
     return 0;

   inMyMessage = true;

   // The task here might take some time to finish execution.

   inMyMessage = false;    
   return 0;

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