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HTML5 拖放问题

[英]HTML5 Drag and drop issues

I have set up drag and drop on a list of items so that the user can drag and drop an item into a preview pane and see its content.我已经在项目列表上设置了拖放,以便用户可以将项目拖放到预览窗格中并查看其内容。 As expected the cursor changes to the expected "ghost" image and everything works as expected.正如预期的那样,光标变为预期的“幽灵”图像,一切都按预期进行。

Previously, in the same application, I created custom scrollbars that work by nesting mousemove and mouseup within a mousedown on the scrollbar.以前,在同一个应用程序中,我创建了自定义滚动条,通过在滚动条上的 mousedown 中嵌套 mousemove 和 mouseup 来工作。 As the mouse moves the page scrolls.随着鼠标移动页面滚动。 This still works as expected.这仍然按预期工作。

However after scrolling, the preview system's drag and drop cursor is messed up: it no longer changes to the expected cursor(s) & attached ghost image.然而滚动,预览系统的拖放光标被弄乱了:它不再更改为预期的光标和附加的重影图像。

I suspect that the act of scrolling (dragging the "scrubber" up and down the scrollbar's "track" is somehow triggering the html5 d&d system. I have tried putting e.preventDefault pretty much everywhere in the scrollbar to no effect.我怀疑滚动的行为(在滚动条的“轨道”上下拖动“scrubber”以某种方式触发了 html5 d&d 系统。我尝试将 e.preventDefault 几乎放在滚动条中的任何地方都没有效果。

I'm guessing that somehow the html5 d&d needs to be disabled while scrolling, or fooled into thinking that the scrollbar, while not a real drag and drop, has actually completed or reset whatever flags, or fulfilled whatever expectations, the d&d system has for a completed operation.我猜想不知何故 html5 d&d 需要在滚动时禁用,或者误以为滚动条虽然不是真正的拖放,但实际上已经完成或重置了任何标志,或者满足了 d&d 系统所具有的任何期望一个完成的操作。

As a test I used the html5 d&d for the scrollbar (but due to the cursor changes on dragging just looks weird) and as expected the item preview d&d works correctly with all the expected cursor behaviors.作为测试,我将 html5 d&d 用于滚动条(但由于拖动时光标的变化看起来很奇怪),正如预期的那样,项目预览 d&d 与所有预期的光标行为都能正常工作。

Any suggestions on how to reset so that the d&d cursor shows correctly would be much appreciated.关于如何重置以便 d&d 光标正确显示的任何建议将不胜感激。

The code is in an Edge Animate framework, here are the key fragments:代码位于 Edge Animate 框架中,以下是关键片段:

//scrollbar code

Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${scrubber}", "mouseenter", function(sym, e) {
    sym.$("scrubber").attr("draggable", "false");
    return false; ///

Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${scrubber}", "mousedown", function(sym, e) {
    var scrubber = sym.$("scrubber");
    var mouseButton = e.button;
    if(mouseButton == 2){
        return false;
    var doMoveAtEnd = false;
    canDrag = true;
    var barProp = voodoo.scrollbarCalc("", "vertical", "verticalscroll.scrubber.init");

        if(mouseButton !== 2 && canDrag){
            isDrag = true;
            var pos = 0;
            var currOffsetY = scrubber.offset().top;
            var possibleY = e.pageY;
            if(possibleY > currOffsetY){
                scrollDir = "up";
            else if(possibleY < currOffsetY){
                scrollDir = "down";
            pos = pos + possibleY;
            if(pos !== 0){
                scrollProp = voodoo.scrollbarCalc(e, "vertical", "verticalscroll.scrubber.2");
                voodoo.viewScroll(e, "mousedrag", scrollDir, scrollProp[7]);
            pos = 0;
        return false;
        var mouseButton = e.button;
        if(mouseButton !== 2){
            isDrag = false;
            canDrag = false;
            setVar("scrubber", "");
        return false;
    return false;
//Preview drag & drop
//drag source
sym.$("hotspotfocus").attr("draggable", "true");

Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${hotspotfocus}", "dragstart", function(sym, e) {
    if(getVar("hardpreview") == "off"){
        return false;
    setVar("dragDropItem", e.target.id);
    setVar("isDrag", true);
//drag target
Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${hpvslot1}", "dragover", function(sym, e) {
    if(getVar("hpvslot1") === ""){
        sym.$("hpvslot1BG").fadeTo(0, 0.5);
    return false; ///

Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${hpvslot1}", "drop", function(sym, e) {
    sym.$("hpvslot1BG").fadeTo(0, 1);
    return false; ///

Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${hpvslot1}", "dragleave", function(sym, e) {
    if(getVar("hpvslot1") !== ""){
        sym.$("hpvslot1BG").fadeTo(0, 1);

Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${hpvslot1}", "dragend", function(sym, e) {

Stumbled on the answer by accident.无意中找到了答案。

It turns out that once the scrollbar's mousemove is activated by the scrubber (ie the first time you scroll by dragging) the scrollbar's mousemove function remains activated and scrolling anywhere in the view triggers mousemove.事实证明,一旦滚动条的 mousemove 被滑块激活(即第一次通过拖动滚动),滚动条的 mousemove 功能将保持激活状态,并且在视图中的任何位置滚动都会触发 mousemove。

This unintentional triggering is defeating the correct cursor response in the html5 drag&drop.这种无意触发破坏了 html5 拖放中正确的光标响应。

By stopping propagation at a lower level this is prevented (the event is being triggered in the scrollbar even though the mouse button is not "down" on the scrubber).通过在较低级别停止传播,可以防止这种情况(即使鼠标按钮未在滑块上“按下”,也会在滚动条中触发事件)。


In essence the issue here is that even though the offending mousemove handler is nested in a situation where you wouldn't think it would be fired unless the enclosing mousedown is triggered, it is, after being triggered for the first time, always triggered, regardless of whether the mouse is down or not.本质上,这里的问题是,即使有问题的 mousemove 处理程序嵌套在一种情况下,除非触发封闭的 mousedown,否则您不会认为它会被触发,但它在第一次触发后始终被触发,无论鼠标是否按下。

The answer is have only one mousemove handler connected to the element...答案是只有一个 mousemove 处理程序连接到元素...

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