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[英]generic type to static method

Example is pretty simple.例子很简单。 What I want is written.我想要的写出来了。 The problems are in the comments.问题在评论里。

import java.util.*;

class Main
  private static class X<T> {
    public static T get() { return new T(); }
  public static void main(String[] args)
    System.out.println(X<Interger>.get()); // illegal start of type 
    // commenting out above yields:
    // error: non-static type variable T cannot be referenced from a static context

The real confounder to me is the error: non-static type variable T cannot be referenced from a static context .对我来说真正的混淆是error: non-static type variable T cannot be referenced from a static context The error seems clear: the class & method are static but the type variable isn't.错误似乎很清楚:类和方法是静态的,但类型变量不是。 Can I make the type variable work in this static context.我可以让类型变量在这个静态上下文中工作吗?

Further, as the example is written, I don't understand why I get an illegal start of type error with nothing else.此外,在编写示例时,我不明白为什么我会得到illegal start of type错误的illegal start of type没有其他任何内容。 Is this because the error about the non-static type variable is hidden?这是因为非静态类型变量的错误被隐藏了吗?

You can't do new T() .你不能做new T() For one thing, there is no guarantee that T has an accessible no-args constructor.一方面,不能保证T具有可访问的无参数构造函数。 Relevant here, there is no no-arg constructor for Integer .与此处相关, Integer没有无参数构造函数。

Static methods, as well as instance methods and constructors, can have type parameters.静态方法以及实例方法和构造函数都可以具有类型参数。

public static <T> T get() {
    // Can only legally return null or throw.

What to use instead?用什么代替? Possibly an abstract factory of some sort, possibly java.util.function.Supplier .可能是某种抽象工厂,可能是java.util.function.Supplier

While the type X is generic, the class X is not.虽然类型X是泛型的,但类X不是。 In Java, there are no "generic classes" (only generic types).在 Java 中,没有“泛型类”(只有泛型类型)。 What was most probably intended is a generic parameter on the static method:最有可能的意图是静态方法上的泛型参数:

private static class X<T> {
    public static <T> T get() {
        return ...;

Also, since generics are erased , one cannot instantiate T (thus the three dots in the code above).此外,由于泛型被擦除,不能实例化T (因此上面代码中的三个点)。

One would call the method like such:人们会像这样调用该方法:


I think Supplier maybe more suitable for you than static X<T>.get :我认为 Supplier 可能比 static X<T>.get更适合你:

public static class aClass {}

public static <T> aMethodWantToUseX(Supplier<T> x) {
    T t = x.get();


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