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什么是“(UIView)-> CGFloat”? 我正在尝试获取 CGFloat 值

[英]What is a "(UIView) -> CGFloat"? I am trying to get a CGFloat value

extension UIScrollView {
    func scrollPositionY(view:UIView) -> CGFloat {
        if let origin = view.superview {
            // Get the Y position of your child view
            let childStartPoint = origin.convert(view.frame.origin, to: self)

            let this = childStartPoint.y

            return this

and then进而

let theYvalue = theScrollView.scrollPositionY

theYvalue is of type (UIView) -> CGFloat theYvalue的类型为(UIView) -> CGFloat

Can I convert this to a CGFloat?我可以将其转换为 CGFloat 吗?

Thank you!谢谢!

let theYvalue = theScrollView.scrollPositionY

Just assigns the function to theYvalue只是将函数分配给 Yvalue

I think what you want is我想你想要的是

let theYvalue = theScrollView.scrollPositionY()

which evaluates the function and should be a CGFloat, which the function returns.它评估函数并且应该是函数返回的 CGFloat。

You didn't call the function.你没有调用这个函数。 Functions are called using () , and because you have parameters, arguments need to be passed in, like (view: someViewPassedIn) where someViewPassedIn must be of type UIView .使用()调用函数,并且因为您有参数,所以需要传入参数,例如(view: someViewPassedIn)其中someViewPassedIn必须是UIView类型。

In Swift, the difference between functions and closures is very small.在 Swift 中,函数和闭包之间的区别非常小。 Variables can be set as a closure, which is what (UIView) -> CGFloat is.变量可以设置为一个闭包,这就是(UIView) -> CGFloat是什么。 It is a closure that has not been called like a function.它是一个没有像函数一样被调用的闭包。

It can be quite hard to wrap your head around, but basically closures contain the block of code between the curly brackets/braces, {} , and the () runs that block of code.可能很难理解,但基本上闭包包含大括号/大括号之间的代码块, {}()运行该代码块。

Instead of:代替:

let theYvalue = theScrollView.scrollPositionY


let theYvalue = theScrollView.scrollPositionY(view: someViewPassedIn)

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