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在 Scala 中仅过滤特定格式的日期

[英]Filter only particular format of date in Scala

I've a dataframe where some of the fields are having the date format of D.HH:mm:ss, D.HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS & HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS.我有一个数据框,其中一些字段的日期格式为 D.HH:mm:ss、D.HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS & HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS。 I'll need to filter only the date of type HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS and convert this date to seconds(integer).我只需要过滤类型为 HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS 的日期并将此日期转换为秒(整数)。

I've written below scala code that converts the date to seconds.我在下面写了将日期转换为秒的 Scala 代码。 I need help in filtering the date type of a particular format(HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS) only and skip other formats of date in a dataframe.我需要帮助来过滤特定格式的日期类型(HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS)并跳过数据框中的其他日期格式。 Any help would be appreciated.任何帮助,将不胜感激。

 def hoursToSeconds(a: Any): Int = {
  val sec = a.toString.split('.')
  val fields = sec(0).split(':')
  val creationSeconds = fields(0).toInt*3600 + fields(1).toInt*60 + fields(2).toInt
  return creationSeconds

The task can be split up into two parts:任务可以分为两部分:

  1. Filter the required rows with the help of rlikerlike的帮助下过滤所需的行
  2. calculate the seconds in an udf计算udf 中的秒数

Create some test data:创建一些测试数据:

val df = Seq(
   ("one", "1.09:39:26"),
   ("two", "1.09:39:26.1234567"),
   ("three", "09:39:26.1234567")
 ).toDF("info", "time")

Definition of regexp and udf: regexp 和 udf 的定义:

val pattern = "\\A(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\\.\\d{7}\\z".r

val toSeconds = udf{in: String => {
  val pattern(hour, minute, second) = in
  hour.toInt * 60 * 60 + minute.toInt * 60 + second.toInt

The actual code:实际代码:

  .filter('time rlike pattern.regex)
  .select('info, 'time, toSeconds('time).as("seconds"))


| info|            time|seconds|
|three|09:39:26.1234567|  34766|

If the lines that do not have the correct format should be kept, the udf can be changed slightly and the filter has to be removed:如果应保留格式不正确的行,则可以稍微更改 udf 并删除过滤器:

val pattern = "\\A(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\\.\\d{7}\\z".r

val toSeconds = udf{in: String => {
  in match {
    case pattern(hour, minute, second)=> hour.toInt * 60 * 60 + minute.toInt * 60 + second.toInt
    case _ => 0

  .select('info, 'time, toSeconds('time).as("seconds"))


| info|              time|seconds|
|  one|        1.09:39:26|      0|
|  two|1.09:39:26.1234567|      0|
|three|  09:39:26.1234567|  34766|

You can try matching using a regex with extractors like so:您可以尝试使用正则表达式与提取器进行匹配,如下所示:

val dateRegex = """(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}).(\d{7})""".r

val D_HH_mm_ss = "1.12:12:12"
val D_HH_mm_ss_SSSSSSS = "1.12:12:12.1234567"
val HH_mm_ss_SSSSSSS = "12:12:12.1234567"

val dates = List(HH_mm_ss_SSSSSSS, D_HH_mm_ss_SSSSSSS, D_HH_mm_ss)

dates.foreach {
  _ match {
    case dateRegex(hh, mm, ss, sssssssss) => println(s"Yay! $hh-$mm-$ss")
    case _ => println("Nay :(")

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