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[英]Add a script to a new game object during run time

I am making a game in unity... my script cuts a mesh body into 2 other mesh bodies.我正在统一制作游戏……我的脚本将一个网状体切割成另外 2 个网状体。 How can I add a script to the new body during run time?如何在运行时向新主体添加脚本?

Each chunk needs to add a script of name XRGrabInteractable.每个块都需要添加一个名为 XRGrabInteractable 的脚本。

foreach(GameObject chunk in pieces){
                if(chunk.GetComponent<BoxCollider>()){//change to collider type of first object
                //Add rigid body if not alread
                if(!chunk.GetComponent<Rigidbody>()){//Add Rigid body if not true


                //Add Mesh Colider(might interere with xr script that requires collider)
                if(!chunk.GetComponent<MeshCollider>()){//If no mesh colider mesh colider for new chunk
                    chunk.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();//Add Mesh colider if it doesn't exist
                    chunk.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().convex = true;//Change To Convex Mesh so that it doesn't fall through floor

Use GameObject.AddComponent<ScriptName>() :使用GameObject.AddComponent<ScriptName>()

foreach(GameObject chunk in pieces){

    if(chunk.GetComponent<BoxCollider>()){//change to collider type of first object

    //Add rigid body if not alread
    if(!chunk.GetComponent<Rigidbody>()){//Add Rigid body if not true

    //Add Mesh Colider(might interere with xr script that requires collider)
    if(!chunk.GetComponent<MeshCollider>()){//If no mesh colider mesh colider for new chunk
        chunk.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();//Add Mesh colider if it doesn't exist
        chunk.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().convex = true;//Change To Convex Mesh so that it doesn't fall through floor


using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;

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