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如何在 seaborn 栏中绘制数据框?

[英]How can I plot the dataframe in seaborn bar?

I have a problem about drawing a seaborn bar plot in terms of this dataframe shown below我有一个关于根据下面显示的数据框绘制 seaborn 条形图的问题

I created df_total shown below我创建了如下所示的 df_total

df_total = df[['Confirmed','Recovered','Deaths']].sum()
df_total = df_total.reset_index()

Here is my dataframe named for df_total这是我以 df_total 命名的数据框

index   0

0   Confirmed   145193

1   Recovered   70251

2   Deaths  5404


sns.barplot(x = "", y = ""
            data = df_total )

Which x and y values should be determined to draw bar plot?应该确定哪些 x 和 y 值来绘制条形图?

Use DataFrame.rename_axis for set index name and then add parameter name in Series.reset_index :使用DataFrame.rename_axis设置索引名称,然后在Series.reset_index添加参数name

df_total = df[['Confirmed','Recovered','Deaths']].sum()
df_total = df_total.rename_axis('a').reset_index(name='b')

sns.barplot(x = "a", y = 'b', data = df_total )

Your solution should be changed:您的解决方案应该改变:

sns.barplot(x = "index", y = 0, data = df_total)

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