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[英]How to gracefully shutdown http4s

I'm using http4s BlazeServer 0.21, how can I graceful shutdown?我正在使用 http4s BlazeServer 0.21,如何正常关机? I want to reject all upcoming requests, and keep process unfinished requests and response back, within a hard shutdown time.我想拒绝所有即将到来的请求,并在硬关闭时间内保持处理未完成的请求和响应。

I tried starting server with serveWhile and set a shutdownHook SignallingRef .我尝试使用serveWhile启动服务器并设置 shutdownHook SignallingRef The server stream & middleware defer as expected (so our metrics & log middleware still log this response)服务器流和中间件按预期延迟(因此我们的指标和日志中间件仍记录此响应)

for {
  signal   <- fs2.Stream.eval(SignallingRef[F, Boolean](false))
  exitCode <- fs2.Stream.eval(Ref[F].of(ExitCode.Success))
  _        <- fs2.Stream.eval(shutdown(signal))
  server <- BlazeServerBuilder[F]
    .bindHttp(8080, "")
    .serveWhile(signal, exitCode)
} yield server
def shutdown[F[_]: Effect](interrupter: SignallingRef[F, Boolean]): F[Unit] = {
  LiftIO[F].liftIO(IO {
    sys.addShutdownHook {
object Server extends IOApp {
  def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =

but the http server doesn't work as I expect, seems like http4s's internal ServerChannel has its own shutdownHook and cancel all the responses already.但是 http 服务器没有像我预期的那样工作,似乎 http4s 的内部ServerChannel有自己的 shutdownHook 并且已经取消了所有响应。

any suggestion/workaround?任何建议/解决方法? or maybe just a way to hold and don't kill requests for x seconds is also appreciated.或者也许只是一种在x秒内保持并且不终止请求的方法也很受欢迎。

The server is hooked for SIGTERM as a matter of convenience.为方便起见,服务器被 SIGTERM 挂钩。

As a convenience, cats-effect provides an cats.effect.IOApp trait with an abstract run method that returns a IO[ExitCode].为方便起见,cats-effect 提供了一个带有抽象 run 方法的 cat.effect.IOApp trait,该方法返回一个 IO[ExitCode]。 An IOApp runs the process and adds a JVM shutdown hook to interrupt the infinite process and gracefully shut down your server when a SIGTERM is received. IOApp 运行该进程并添加 JVM 关闭挂钩以中断无限进程并在收到 SIGTERM 时正常关闭服务器。

And if you want to shutdown using an URL eg http://localhost:8080/ops/shutdown/true , it works too.如果您想使用 URL 关闭,例如http://localhost:8080/ops/shutdown/true ,它也可以工作。

The code is pretty straight forward,代码很简单,

class SysOpsEndpoints[F[_]: Sync](signal: SignallingRef[F, Boolean]) extends Http4sDsl[F] {
  private def shutdown: HttpRoutes[F] =
    HttpRoutes.of[F] {
      case GET -> Root / "shutdown" / shutdown =>
        for {
          _ <- signal.set(Try(shutdown.toBoolean).getOrElse(false))
          result <- Ok(s"Shutdown: $shutdown")
        } yield result

object SysOpsEndpoints {
  def endpoints[F[_]: Sync](signal: SignallingRef[F, Boolean]): HttpRoutes[F] =
    new SysOpsEndpoints(signal).shutdown

and the setup for the server for-comprehension is similar to yours,并且服务器的设置与您的相似,

for {
  signal   <- fs2.Stream.eval(SignallingRef[F, Boolean](false))
  exitCode <- fs2.Stream.eval(Ref[F].of(ExitCode.Success))
  httpApp = Router(
        "/ops" -> SysOpsEndpoints.endpoints(signal)
  server <- BlazeServerBuilder[F](serverEc)
    .bindHttp(8080, "")
    .serveWhile(signal, exitCode)
} yield server

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