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如何使用 Http4s HttpRoutes 组合效果?

[英]How to compose an effect with an Http4s HttpRoutes?

I have an http4s HttpRoutes and a task in my effect type (ZIO, if that matters).我的效果类型中有一个 http4s HttpRoutes和一个任务(ZIO,如果这很重要)。 The effect is side-effecting and returns no value.效果是副作用,不返回任何值。 I want to compose the two together, creating a new HttpRoutes that will run the effect before any matching route in the HttpRoutes .我想将两者组合在一起,创建一个新的HttpRoutes ,它将在HttpRoutes中的任何匹配路由之前运行效果。

import zio.Task

val httpRoutes: HttpRoutes[Task] = ...
val effect: Task[Unit] = ...

val combined: HttpRoutes[Task] = ???

How do I combine the HttpRoutes and the effect together?如何将HttpRoutes和效果结合在一起?

Naive implementation according to https://http4s.org/v0.21/middleware根据https://http4s.org/v0.21/middleware 的幼稚实现

works for me为我工作

trait HttpServer {
  def bindHttp: UIO[Server[Task]]

object HttpServer {
  def make(
    httpRoutes: HttpRoutes[Task],
    cpuPool: ExecutionContext@Id("zio.cpu"),
  ) = {
    for {
      implicit0(rts: Runtime[Any]) <- ZIO.runtime[Any].toManaged_
      combined = Kleisli { (req: Request[Task]) =>
        val effect: Task[Unit] = Task.effectTotal(println("123"))
        OptionT.liftF(effect).flatMap { _ =>
      srv <- BlazeServerBuilder[Task](cpuPool)
        .bindHttp(host = "")
    } yield new HttpServer {
      val bindHttp = IO.succeed(srv)

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