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[英]python string substitute letter by its occurrence number

Suppose I have a string Hello, world , and I'd like to replace all instances of o by its occurrence number, ie get a sting: Hell1, w2rld ?假设我有一个字符串Hello, world ,我想用它的出现次数替换o的所有实例,即得到一个刺痛: Hell1, w2rld

I have found how to reference a numbered group, \\g<1> , but it does require a group number.我找到了如何引用编号组\\g<1> ,但它确实需要一个组号。

Is there are way to do what I want in python?有没有办法在python中做我想做的事?

Update: Sorry for not mentioning that I was indeed looking for a regexp solution, not just a string.更新:很抱歉没有提到我确实在寻找正则表达式解决方案,而不仅仅是字符串。 I have marked the solution I liked the best, but thank for all contributions, they were cool!我已经标记了我最喜欢的解决方案,但感谢所有贡献,他们很酷!

For a regular expression solution :对于正则表达式解决方案

import re

class Replacer:
    def __init__(self):
        self.counter = 0

    def __call__(self, mo):
        self.counter += 1
        return str(self.counter)

s = 'Hello, World!'
print(re.sub('o', Replacer(), s))

Split the string on the letter "o" and reassemble it by adding the index of the part in front of each part (except the first one):拆分字母“o”上的字符串并通过在每个部分(第一个除外)前面添加部分的索引来重新组合它:

string = "Hello World"

result = "".join(f"{i or ''}"+part for i,part in enumerate(string.split("o")))



# Hell1 W2rld

Using itertools.count使用itertools.count


import re
from itertools import count 

c = count(1)
s = "Hello, world"

print(re.sub(r"o", lambda x: "{}".format(next(c)), s))
print(re.sub(r"o", lambda x: f"{next(c)}", s))
# --> Hell1, w2rld

You don't need regex for that, a simple loop will suffice:您不需要正则表达式,一个简单的循环就足够了:

sample = "Hello, world"

pattern = 'o'
output = ''
count = 1
for char in sample:
    if char == pattern:
        output += str(count)
        count += 1
        output += char

>>> Hell1, w2rld

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