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R data.table:通过在另一列中找到的值重新设定面板中的每个组

[英]R data.table: Rebase each group within the panel by a value found in another column

Let's say my dataset looks like this:假设我的数据集如下所示:

data.table(groups = rep(c("A","B"), each=5), time = rep(2011:2015, 2), value = runif(10,95,105))

    groups time     value
 1:      A 2011  97.66647
 2:      A 2012 103.00917
 3:      A 2013 103.02462
 4:      A 2014 103.25105
 5:      A 2015 101.94881
 6:      B 2011  97.69248
 7:      B 2012  95.63296
 8:      B 2013  98.40150
 9:      B 2014 104.14164
10:      B 2015 103.61722

I would like to rebase the value, within each group, by a value corresponding to chosen year (say, 2013).我想通过与所选年份(例如 2013 年)相对应的值来重新设定每个组内的值。 So, for group AI would like to divide each value by 103.02462 (value for 2013), for group B by 98.40150, etc....因此,对于 AI 组,希望将每个值除以 103.02462(2013 年的值),对于 B 组除以 98.40150,等等......

All the solutions that I can think of are incredibly complex, it would be great if someboudy would share their ideas我能想到的所有解决方案都非常复杂,如果有人能分享他们的想法就好了

After grouping by 'groups', get the 'value' that corresponds to 'time' value of 2013 and use that to divide the column 'value'按'groups'分组后,得到对应于2013年'time'值的'value',并用它来划分'value'列

dt1[, value := value/value[time == 2013], by = groups]
#    groups time     value
# 1:      A 2011 0.9479916
# 2:      A 2012 0.9998500
# 3:      A 2013 1.0000000
# 4:      A 2014 1.0021978
# 5:      A 2015 0.9895577
# 6:      B 2011 0.9927946
# 7:      B 2012 0.9718649
# 8:      B 2013 1.0000000
# 9:      B 2014 1.0583339
#10:      B 2015 1.0530045

Or with match或者match

 dt1[, value := value/value[match(2013, time)], by = groups]


dt1 <- structure(list(groups = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", 
"B", "B", "B"), time = c(2011L, 2012L, 2013L, 2014L, 2015L, 2011L, 
2012L, 2013L, 2014L, 2015L), value = c(97.66647, 103.00917, 103.02462, 
103.25105, 101.94881, 97.69248, 95.63296, 98.4015, 104.14164, 
103.61722)), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, 

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