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在 ruby​​ 应用程序的 api/v1 中为 POST 请求更新数组 [JSON]

[英]Update an Array[JSON] for a POST request in api/v1 of a ruby application

I'm leraning Ruby and I'm trying to create an API to update all the players with a single POST request.我正在学习 Ruby,并且正在尝试创建一个 API,以通过一个 POST 请求来更新所有玩家。 I have to update all the players which have the "ids" on the request.我必须更新所有在请求中具有“id”的玩家。 The post request is given in Array[JSON] form, so I have to compare all the ids for every JSON with the players in the database and I have to update those who have the id specified.发布请求以 Array[JSON] 形式给出,因此我必须将每个 JSON 的所有 id 与数据库中的玩家进行比较,并且我必须更新那些指定了 id 的玩家。 Here the code of the post request:这里是post请求的代码:

"players": [
      "player_id": 1,
      "shirt_number": "25",
      "speed": "47",
      "agility": "80",
      "shot": "62",
      "step": "24",
      "technique": "70",
      "contrasts": "59",
      "resistance": "65",
      "parades": "25",
      "aggressiveness": "60",
      "coldness": "50"
      "player_id": 2,
      "shirt_number": "11",
      "speed": “52",
      "agility": “78",
      "shot": “65",
      "step": “23",
      "technique": “60",
      "contrasts": “19",
      "resistance": “44",
      "parades": "25",
      "aggressiveness": "60",
      "coldness": "50"

Here there is the code and the parameters:下面是代码和参数:

desc 'Update a team'
   params do
      requires :players, type: Array[JSON] do
         requires :id, type: Integer, desc: "Player ID"
         requires :shirt_number, type: String, desc: "Shirt Number"
         requires :speed, type: String, desc: "Speed"
         requires :agility, type: String, desc: "Agility"
         requires :shot, type: String, desc: "Shot"
         requires :step, type: String, desc: "Step"
         requires :technique, type: String, desc: "Technique"
         requires :constrasts, type: String, desc: "Constrasts"
         requires :resistance, type: String, desc: "Resistance"
         requires :parades, type: String, desc: "Parades"
         requires :aggressiveness, type: String, desc: "Aggressiveness"
         requires :coldness, type: String, desc: "Coldness"

post 'update_team' do
  params[:players].each do |player|
  p = Player.find_by(id: params[:id])

But it doesn't work!但它不起作用! I didn't find anything about that.我没有找到任何关于那个的东西。 Someone can help me?有人可以帮助我吗? Thank you very much in advance!非常感谢您提前!

p = Player.find_by(id: params[:id]) -> From what you've posted, there isn't an id parameter and if there was, that would be referencing the same parameter each time through your loop. p = Player.find_by(id: params[:id]) -> 从您发布的内容来看,没有id参数,如果有,则每次循环都会引用相同的参数。 I think what you want is p = Player.find_by(id: player['player_id'])我想你想要的是p = Player.find_by(id: player['player_id'])

Also keep in mind that Player.find_by(id: some_value) is looking at the database ID, which I imagine might be different from the player_id .还要记住Player.find_by(id: some_value)正在查看数据库 ID,我想这可能与player_id不同。 If this is the case, then player_id should probably be a different column in your players table and you would instead do .find_by(player_id: player['player_id'])如果是这种情况,那么player_id可能应该是玩家表中的不同列,而您应该执行.find_by(player_id: player['player_id'])

Additionally, if you are just updating the record in place, you should use update!此外,如果您只是在原地更新记​​录,则应该使用update!

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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