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Ruby JSON API和Postman的发布请求

[英]Ruby JSON API and post request with Postman

I'm using postman to make post request to my rails/grape API 我正在使用邮递员向我的rails / grape API发出发布请求

Here is the json object 这是json对象

          "address1":"123 somewhere st",

If send this to a api/v1/customers.json I get the following error message 如果将其发送到api / v1 / customers.json我会收到以下错误消息

"error": "first_name is missing, last_name is missing, email is missing, phone is missing",

If I change the JSON format to: 如果我将JSON格式更改为:

          "address1":"123 somewhere st",

I does creates the customer but it does not creates the address 我确实创建了客户,但没有创建地址

In my Models I have 在我的模特儿中

has_many :addresses
accepts_nested_attributes_for :addresses, allow_destroy: true

belongs_to :customer

Here is the api/vi/curtomer.rb 这是api / vi / curtomer.rb

desc "Create a Customer"
params do
  requires :first_name, type: String, desc: "First Name"
  requires :last_name, type: String, desc: "Last Name"
  requires :email, type: String, desc: "Email"
  requires :phone, type: String, desc: "Phone"
  optional :notes, type: String, desc: "Notes"
post do

  # Tried with new instead of create

  # test = Customer.new({
  #                    first_name: params[:first_name],
  #                    last_name: params[:last_name],
  #                    email: params[:email],
  #                    phone: params[:phone],
  #                    notes: params[:notes],
  #                    addresses_attributes: params[:addresses]
  #                })

                     first_name: params[:first_name],
                     last_name: params[:last_name],
                     email: params[:email],
                     phone: params[:phone],
                     notes: params[:notes]
                     # addresses_attributes: params[:addresses]


The address looks pretty much the same as the customers I'm not using controllers per Grapes Documentation 根据Grapes文档,该地址看起来与我未使用控制器的客户几乎相同

EDIT: to add customer.rb create code 编辑:添加customer.rb创建代码

Think your json data should be: 认为您的json数据应为:

{ "customer":
      "address1":"123 somewhere st",

Refer to this example . 请参考此示例

If it not works, show your controller code. 如果不起作用,请显示您的控制器代码。

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