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我可以设置计时器以在 MS Teams 频道中关闭吗?

[英]Can I set a timer to go off in an MS Teams channel?

I'm using MS Teams for audio communications in meetings.我在会议中使用 MS Teams 进行音频通信。 I use one channel for the main meeting.我在主会议上使用一个频道。 I use additional channels, with meetings going in each one, as "break-out rooms" for independent, small group conversations.我使用额外的频道,在每个频道中进行会议,作为独立的小组对话的“分组讨论室”。 I'm wondering if I can set a timer to 'ping' the break-out channels to indicate it's time to come back together in the main channel.我想知道我是否可以设置一个计时器来“ping”突破通道,以指示是时候回到主通道中了。 If not a timer, is there a way to delay send a message to a channel?如果不是计时器,有没有办法延迟向频道发送消息?

There's nothing built-in to Teams for this, but there are a few ways to accomplish it programmatically: Teams 没有为此内置任何内容,但有几种方法可以通过编程方式完成它:

1) You can create a bot that, when added to the channel, will immediately get "contact" details to message the channel whenever it wants (eg Now + 30 minutes). 1) 您可以创建一个机器人,当添加到频道时,该机器人将立即获得“联系方式”详细信息,以便在需要时(例如现在 + 30 分钟)向频道发送消息。 This is called "Pro-active messaging" and I've given some details of how to do this at Programmatically sending a message to a bot in Microsoft Teams .这称为“主动消息传递”,我在以编程方式向 Microsoft Teams 中的机器人发送消息中提供了有关如何执行此操作的一些详细信息。 Let me know if you want more guidance on this approach (especially if you've not built a bot before).如果您需要有关此方法的更多指导,请告诉我(特别是如果您以前没有构建过机器人)。

2) You can configure Incoming Webhooks for Teams , and then just call that webhook from whatever app you want (or even a script like PowerShell) 2) 您可以为 Teams配置传入 Webhook ,然后只需从您想要的任何应用程序(甚至是 PowerShell 之类的脚本)调用该Webhook

3) You could have Flow (Power Automate) send a message to the channel. 3) 您可以让 Flow (Power Automate) 向频道发送消息。

Options 2 & 3 require the channel to exist beforehand, and for everything to be configured beforehand as well, but they're the easiest, especially if you've not built bots before.选项 2 和 3 要求通道预先存在,并且所有东西都需要预先配置,但它们是最简单的,特别是如果您之前没有构建过机器人。 Option 1 is the most work, but end users can simply add the bot at the time they start the "breakout" and everything will happen automatically.选项 1 是最有效的,但最终用户只需在他们开始“突破”时添加机器人,一切都会自动发生。

Hope that helps.希望有帮助。

There is nothing in-built that you can use directly to address your requirement.没有任何内置内容可以直接用于满足您的要求。 The best way to handle this is create Flow.处理这个问题的最好方法是创建 Flow。 Check Flow Documentation .检查流程文档

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