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如何在 spring boot 中的 application.yml 中添加 GCP (Google Cloud Storage) 存储属性

[英]How to add the GCP (Google Cloud Storage) storage properties in application.yml in spring boot

I am currently trying to set up an GCP storage bucket with my Spring Boot webapp for adding/removing csv and jmx files.我目前正在尝试使用我的 Spring Boot webapp 设置一个 GCP 存储桶,用于添加/删除 csv 和 jmx 文件。

The guide I am using the following properties in application.yml :我在 application.yml 中使用以下属性的指南:

      name: dpaas-assets
      scripts: gs://assets/jmeter-scripts/
      resources: gs://assets/resources/

You can check their Spring Cloud GCP Storage Starter Example as a Starting Guide.您可以查看他们的Spring Cloud GCP Storage Starter Example作为入门指南。 If it doesn't help, providing more info would help us to help you!如果没有帮助,提供更多信息将有助于我们为您提供帮助!

eg: the error you are getting, a sample of your project, stack trace, etc例如:您收到的错误、您的项目示例、堆栈跟踪等


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