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ggplot2:geom_bar 和 position_dodge:不以 x 轴为中心(因子)

[英]ggplot2: geom_bar and position_dodge: not centered to x axis (factor)

I have two issue on this plot.我对这个情节有两个问题。 I want to make the bars wider (and less spacing between the groups) and I want each group of bars to be centered to each x factor values.我想让条形更宽(组之间的间距更小)并且我希望每组条形都以每个 x 因子值为中心。

I have a continuous variable on the y-axis and a factor value on the x-axis.我在 y 轴上有一个连续变量,在 x 轴上有一个因子值。 I have three groups for each factor.每个因素我有三组。

Here is an example of my issue with the Iris data:以下是我的 Iris 数据问题示例:

d <- iris

ggplot(d) +
geom_col(aes(x=as.factor(Sepal.Length), y=Petal.Width, fill=as.factor(Species)),position = position_dodge(preserve = "single"), width=1) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90).

This gets you something probably closer to what you're looking for (I assume d in your example is iris ):这让你可能更接近你正在寻找的东西(我假设你的例子中的diris ):

ggplot(iris) +
            x=as.factor(Sepal.Length), y=Petal.Width, fill=Species
        position = position_dodge(0.5),
        width=0.5) + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust=0.5))


Now, for the explanation of what I changed and why:现在,解释我改变了什么以及为什么:

Text Positioning on X-axis. X 轴上的文本定位。 You used element_text(angle=90) to change the direction of the text.您使用element_text(angle=90)来更改文本的方向。 This is correct, but it only changes the angle and not the positioning/alignments .这是正确的,但它只会改变角度而不是定位/对齐 By default, horizontal text is vertically aligned to be "at the top".默认情况下,水平文本垂直对齐为“在顶部”。 If you run the code above and use vjust=1 in place of vjust=0.5 , you'll see it goes back to the way it appears for you, with the tick marks being aligned to the "top" of the value on the x axis text.如果您运行上面的代码并使用vjust=1代替vjust=0.5 ,您会看到它恢复为您显示的方式,刻度线与 x 上的值的“顶部”对齐轴文本。

as.factor(Species) No need to declare Species a factor. as.factor(Species)无需将Species声明为因子。 Run str(iris) and you'll see that iris$Species is already a factor.运行str(iris) ,您会看到iris$Species已经是一个因素。 Doesn't really change anything to the result except messes with the title of the legend.除了弄乱图例的标题之外,并没有真正改变任何结果。

Position_dodge width and width. Position_dodge 宽度和宽度。 This one is best explained by you messing with the values in the two terms position_dodge(0.5) and width=0.5 .最好通过您弄乱position_dodge(0.5)width=0.5两个术语中的值来解释这一点。 Play with it yourself and you'll see what they each do, but here's the general explanation:自己玩一下,你会看到他们每个人都做了什么,但这里是一般解释:

  • Total column width for each position on the x-axis is determined by width=0.5 that is the argument for geom_col() . x 轴上每个位置的总列宽由width=0.5确定,这是geom_col()的参数。 So, for every Sepal.Length factor in this graph, it means that "0.5" is used as the total width of the column (or columns) that are in that space.因此,对于此图中的每个Sepal.Length因子,这意味着“0.5”用作该空间中一列(或多列)的总宽度。 "1.0" would mean "I want all columns to touch each other" and something like "0.2" means "I want skinny columns". “1.0”表示“我希望所有列相互接触”,而“0.2”表示“我想要细列”。 "0" means... I don't want columns - give them a width of zero! “0”意味着......我不想要列 - 给它们一个宽度为零!

  • The width of each "sub-column" (each Species column for each Sepal.Length in this example) is controlled by the position_dodge(width=0.5) term.每个“子列”的宽度(在这个例子中每个 Sepal.Length 的每个 Species 列)由position_dodge(width=0.5)项控制。 0.5 represents "split this in half and have the columns touch each other exactly". 0.5 表示“将其分成两半并使列彼此完全接触”。 Higher values will split them apart and lower values will squish them together, where 0 means they are on top of one another.较高的值会将它们分开,较低的值会将它们挤压在一起,其中 0 表示它们位于彼此之上。 Making the value really large, you get sub-columns running into neighboring columns...使该值变得非常大,您会得到子列运行到相邻列中......

Again - play around with those terms and you should get how they work together.再次 - 使用这些术语,您应该了解它们如何协同工作。

Maybe an another solution is to use position_dodge2 that will center each bar to the center of x values:也许另一种解决方案是使用position_dodge2将每个条形居中到 x 值的中心:

ggplot(iris, aes(x = as.factor(Sepal.Length), y = Petal.Width, fill = Species))+
  geom_col(position = position_dodge2(preserve = "single", width = 1))+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5))


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