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在 Python 中更改 Pandas DataFrame 中的值

[英]Issue altering values in a pandas DataFrame in Python

I have a data set that has been loaded into a pandas DataFrame .我有一个已加载到 pandas DataFrame的数据集。 When I print data.head() , it looks like this.当我打印data.head() ,它看起来像这样。

G1  G2  G3  absences  failures  studytime romantic internet
0   5   6   6         6         0          2       no       no
1   5   5   6         4         0          2       no      yes
2   7   8  10        10         3          2       no      yes
3  15  14  15         2         0          3      yes      yes
4   6  10  10         4         0          2       no       no

I am attempting to create a linear regression model and want to convert the yes' and no's to 1s and 0s in the romantic and internet columns.我正在尝试创建一个线性回归模型,并希望将“是”和“否”转换为“ romantic和“ internet列中的 1 和 0。

The code I used:我使用的代码:

df['romantic'].replace('yes', 0)
df['romantic'].replace('no', 1)
df['internet'].replace('yes', 0)
df['internet'].replace('no', 1)

Did not work :( It also did not display an error of any sort.没有工作:(它也没有显示任何类型的错误。

I tried to make a linear model with data = df[["G1", "G2", "G3", "absences", "failures", "studytime", "romantic", "internet"]] and it showed:我试图用data = df[["G1", "G2", "G3", "absences", "failures", "studytime", "romantic", "internet"]]创建一个线性模型,结果显示:

ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'yes'

Even though I thought I converted them.即使我认为我转换了它们。 Please help, thanks...请帮忙,谢谢...

To convert both your columns of interest, run:要转换您感兴趣的两个列,请运行:

df.romantic = (df.romantic == 'yes').astype(int)
df.internet = (df.internet == 'yes').astype(int)

Note also that you wrote convert the yes' and no's to 1s and 0s , so in your code sample you attempt to assing the values just the opposite way.另请注意,您编写了将 yes' 和 no 转换为 1s 和 0s的代码,因此在您的代码示例中,您尝试以相反的方式分配值。

如果要将所有“是”替换为 0,将所有“否”替换为 1,请使用:

df.replace({'yes': 0, 'no': 1})
df.replace({'yes': 0, 'no': 1}, regex=True)

Try this.尝试这个。 Replaces all occurences of 'yes' with 0 and all occurences of 'no' with 1.将所有出现的“是”替换为 0,将所有出现的“否”替换为 1。

mapper = {'yes':0,'no':1}
df.loc[:,'romantic'] = df['romantic'].map(mapper)
df.loc[:,'internet'] = df['internet'].map(mapper)

Use map function for this job为这项工作使用地图功能

You need to assign it while replacing:您需要在替换时分配它:

df = pd.DataFrame({'romantic':['no','no','no','yes','no'], 'internet':['no','yes','yes','yes','no']})

df['romantic'] = df['romantic'].replace('yes', 0)
df['romantic'] = df['romantic'].replace('no', 1)
df['internet'] = df['internet'].replace('yes', 0)
df['internet'] = df['internet'].replace('no', 1)


   romantic  internet
0         1         1
1         1         0
2         1         0
3         0         0
4         1         1

There are more ways to do this in Python:在 Python 中有更多方法可以做到这一点:

Pandas.Series.apply Lambda

df['romantic'] = df['romantic'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x == 'yes' else 1)
df['internet'] = df['internet'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x == 'yes' else 1)


df['romantic'] = np.where(df['romantic'] == 'yes',0,1)
df['internet'] = np.where(df['internet'] == 'yes',0,1)


df['romantic'] = df['romantic'].map(dict(yes = 0, no = 1))
df['internet'] = df['internet'].map(dict(yes = 0, no = 1))

All yield the same result.都产生相同的结果。

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