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Instagram Basic Display API:如何将帖子数量限制在 20 以下?

[英]Instagram Basic Display API: how can I limit the number of posts to less than 20?

Using the Instagram Basic Display API , how can I limit the number of posts that it fetches to less than 20?使用Instagram Basic Display API ,如何将其获取的帖子数量限制在 20 以下?

Inside a class in PHP , I defined the following base URL for the endpoints:PHP一个类中,我为端点定义了以下基本URL

private $_apiBaseUrl = 'https://api.instagram.com/';
private $_graphBaseUrl = 'https://graph.instagram.com/';
public $userId = '';  // defined here, fetched later by getUser();

These two functions get the posts:这两个函数获取帖子:

 // get the posts
        public function getUsersMedia() {
            $params = array(
                'endpoint_url' => $this->_graphBaseUrl . $this->userId . '/media',
                'type' => 'GET',
                'url_params' => array(
                    'fields' => 'id,caption,media_type,media_url',

            $response = $this->_makeApiCall( $params );
            return $response;

   // get more info on a specific post
        public function getMedia( $mediaId ) {
            $params = array(
                'endpoint_url' => $this->_graphBaseUrl . $mediaId,
                'type' => 'GET',
                'url_params' => array(
                    'fields' => 'id,caption,media_type,media_url,permalink,thumbnail_url,timestamp,username'

            $response = $this->_makeApiCall( $params );
            return $response;

In this post I found this endpoint:这篇文章中,我找到了这个端点:


But how would I make this work with my functions?但是我将如何使用我的函数来完成这项工作? I don't want to use pagination, but only return like, say, the last 5-10 posts.我不想使用分页,但只返回例如最后 5-10 个帖子。

Add an entry for the limit parameter to the url_params arrays:limit参数的条目添加到url_params数组:

'url_params' => array(
   'fields' => 'id,caption,media_type,media_url',
   'limit'  => 5,

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