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使用 ChartJS 堆叠浮动单杠

[英]Stacked Floating Horizontal Bar using ChartJS

I am trying to implement Stacked Horizontal Floating Bars using ChartJS but there is an unusual behaviour that I am facing.我正在尝试使用ChartJS实现Stacked Horizo​​ntal Floating Bars,但我面临着一种不寻常的行为。 Can someone please help why is this happening.有人可以帮助为什么会发生这种情况。 The code that I am using is :我使用的代码是:

    <title>Floating Bars</title>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.3/Chart.min.js"></script>
        canvas {
            -moz-user-select: none;
            -webkit-user-select: none;
            -ms-user-select: none;

        <canvas id="canvas" height="100"></canvas>
      window.onload = function() {
         var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
         window.myBar = new Chart(ctx, {
            type: 'horizontalBar',
                 data:[[-3, 5]],
                 backgroundColor: 'lightblue'
                 backgroundColor: 'lightblue'
                 data:[[10, 11]],
                 backgroundColor: 'lightblue'
            options: {
               responsive: true,
               scales: {
                xAxes: [{
                  stacked : true,

                 yAxes: [{
                  stacked : true,

               legend: {
                 position: 'top',
               title: {
                 display: true,
                 text: 'Horizontal Floating Bars'

The output of the following code is :以下代码的输出是: 在此处输入图片说明

Now if we compare the code with the plotted data we see that the first and the second data set ie [-3,5] and [6,8] gets plotted correctly, but the third data set instead of getting plotted at [10,11] gets plotted at [16,17] ie by adding 10 to the previous 6. Can someone please explain the cause for this?现在,如果我们将代码与绘制的数据进行比较,我们会看到第一个和第二个数据集,即 [-3,5] 和 [6,8] 被正确绘制,但第三个数据集而不是在 [10, 11] 被绘制在 [16,17] 处,即在前面的 6 上加上 10。有人可以解释一下原因吗?

The reason is that you're stacking the values on the xAxis .原因是您在xAxis上堆叠值。

Simply define xAxis as follows and you get the result you're expecting.只需按如下方式定义 xAxis,您就会得到您期望的结果。

xAxes: [{
  stacked: false,

 window.myBar = new Chart(document.getElementById('canvas'), { type: 'horizontalBar', data: { labels: [1], datasets: [{ label: 'data 1', data: [[-3, 5], [6, 8], [10, 11]], backgroundColor: 'lightblue' }, { label: 'data 2', data: [[6, 8]], backgroundColor: 'lightblue' }, { label: 'data 3', data: [[10, 11]], backgroundColor: 'lightblue' } ] }, options: { responsive: true, scales: { xAxes: [{ stacked: false, }], yAxes: [{ stacked: true, }] }, legend: { position: 'top', }, title: { display: true, text: 'Horizontal Floating Bars' } } });
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.3/Chart.min.js"></script> <canvas id="canvas" height="80"></canvas>

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