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如何在 python 数据框中组合索引?

[英]How can I combine the Index in the python dataframe?

in the following, can I make a single index for all the entries with common index.在下面,我可以为所有具有公共索引的条目创建一个索引吗?

cric = pd.Series(['India', 'Pakistan', 'South Africa', 'England', 'New Zealand'], 
                 index = ['Cricket', 'Cricket', 'Cricket', 'Cricket', 'Cricket'])
ftbl = pd.Series(['England', 'South Africa', 'Australia', 'Netherlands', 'New Zealand'], 
                 index = ['Football', 'Football', 'Football', 'Football' , 'Football'])
hock = pd.Series(['India', 'Pakistan', 'South Korea', 'England', 'India', 'New Zealand'], 
                 index = ['Hockey', 'Hockey', 'Hockey', 'Hockey', 'Hockey', 'Hockey'])

all_countries_1 = cric.append(ftbl)
all_countries_1 = all_countries_1.append(ftbl)
all_countries_1 = all_countries_1.append(hock)
all_countries_1 = all_countries_1.to_frame()
all_countries_1.columns = ['Countries']


I want the following as my out我想要以下作为我的输出预期输出

If, by single index, you mean an index made of autoincrementing numbers, there is nothing special you have to do.如果,通过单个索引,您的意思是由自动递增数字组成的索引,那么您无需做任何特别的事情。 That is the default index for a DataFrame, so using the reset_index() method will get what you want.这是 DataFrame 的默认索引,因此使用reset_index()方法将获得您想要的。 The next step will probably be to rename your index column.下一步可能是重命名索引列。 You can chain that method with reset_index and take care of it one line.您可以使用reset_index链接该方法并在一行中处理它。

all_countries_1 = all_countries_1.reset_index().rename(columns={"index":"Sports"})

Is this what you are looking for?这是你想要的?

# zip the first three chars of the index and the index together
z = list(zip(all_countries_1.index.str[:3], all_countries_1.index))
# create multi index
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(z)
# assign index
all_countries_1.index = idx

Cri Cricket          India
    Cricket       Pakistan
    Cricket   South Africa
    Cricket        England
    Cricket    New Zealand
Foo Football       England
    Football  South Africa
    Football     Australia
    Football   Netherlands
    Football   New Zealand
    Football       England
    Football  South Africa
    Football     Australia
    Football   Netherlands
    Football   New Zealand
Hoc Hockey           India
    Hockey        Pakistan
    Hockey     South Korea
    Hockey         England
    Hockey           India
    Hockey     New Zealand

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