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如果我在 scanf 中传递变量值而不是变量引用会发生什么?

[英]What happens if I pass a variable value instead of a variable reference in scanf?

I have this code:我有这个代码:

int a;

scanf("%d", &a);

printf("You entered: %d", a);

which works perfectly fine, but I wondered what would happen if I pass the variable value instead of the variable reference in scanf like scanf("%d", a) .这工作得很好,但我想知道如果我传递变量值而不是像scanf("%d", a)这样的scanf中的变量引用会发生什么。

I don't get an error from the compiler but there is no output either.我没有从编译器得到错误,但也没有 output 。 What is happening here?这里发生了什么?

In scanf "%d" is expecting a pointer to int meaning a pointer to the address of the variable where the value will be stored, if you pass a you will just be passing int there is no way the value can be stored because scanf won't know where.在 scanf 中, "%d"期望一个指向int的指针,这意味着一个指向将存储值的变量地址的指针,如果你传递a你将只是传递int没有办法存储值,因为scanf赢了不知道在哪里。

Doing this will invoke undefined behavior .这样做将调用未定义的行为

Basically the & is an operator that returns the address of the operand.基本上 & 是一个返回操作数地址的运算符。 If you give in scanf the variable a without the &, it will be passed to it by-value, which means scanf will not be able to set its value for you to see.如果你在 scanf 中给出不带 & 的变量 a,它将按值传递给它,这意味着 scanf 将无法设置它的值供你查看。 Passing it by-reference - using & actually passes a pointer to a - allows scanf to set it.通过引用传递它 - 使用 & 实际上传递一个指向 a 的指针 - 允许 scanf 设置它。

scanf expects the argument corresponding to the %d conversion specifier to be the address of an int object (with type int * ). scanf期望与%d转换说明符对应的参数是int object (类型为int * )的地址 Whatever value a contains will be interpreted as an address 1 . a包含的任何都将被解释为地址1

The behavior on doing this is undefined - the compiler isn't required to issue a diagnostic during translation, and the runtime environment isn't required to throw any kind of exception.这样做的行为是未定义的 - 编译器不需要在翻译期间发出诊断,并且运行时环境不需要抛出任何类型的异常。 Depending on the value contained in a you may get a runtime error, or you may clobber another data object, or your code may work without any apparent errors, or something completely different may happen.根据a中包含的值,您可能会遇到运行时错误,或者您可能会破坏另一个数据 object,或者您的代码可能会在没有任何明显错误的情况下运行,或者可能会发生完全不同的事情。

  1. At least on systems where sizeof (int) == sizeof (int *) - for a system like x86_64, that's not the case, so scanf will treat bytes outside of a as part of an address.至少在sizeof (int) == sizeof (int *)的系统上 - 对于像 x86_64 这样的系统,情况并非如此,因此scanf会将a之外的字节视为地址的一部分。


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