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URL 似乎指向 App Studio 中的预生产环境

[英]URL appears to be pointing to a pre-production environment in App Studio

I'm using App Studio in Microsoft teams in order to deploy a web app hosted in an URL, under the manifest editor, I've created an app.我在 Microsoft 团队中使用 App Studio 来部署托管在 URL 中的 web 应用程序,在清单编辑器下,我创建了一个应用程序。

After setting all the requested information, I am getting those warnings:设置所有请求的信息后,我收到了这些警告:


Also, when I'm trying to click on install button it says that I'm not authorized to add the app to this team.此外,当我尝试单击安装按钮时,它说我无权将该应用程序添加到该团队。

The warnings are just that, warnings.警告就是这样,警告。 They won't prevent you from installing your app by package or adding to your Line of Business store.他们不会阻止您通过 package 安装您的应用程序或添加到您的业务线商店。

It sounds like you don't have permissions to install the app into that team, or installing apps is disabled by your tenant admin.听起来您无权将应用程序安装到该团队中,或者您的租户管理员已禁用安装应用程序。 You'll need to check and make sure your tenant is configured correctly.您需要检查并确保您的租户配置正确。

The settings you'll need at the tenant level are:您在租户级别需要的设置是:

  • Org-wide custom app setting => Allow interaction with custom apps => On — This setting enables or disables custom apps for your organization.组织范围的自定义应用程序设置 => 允许与自定义应用程序交互 => 开启 - 此设置为您的组织启用或禁用自定义应用程序。 It needs to be on.它需要开启。
  • Team custom app setting => Allow members to upload custom apps => On/Off — This setting applies to each individual team inside Microsoft Teams.团队自定义应用设置 => 允许成员上传自定义应用 => 开/关 — 此设置适用于 Microsoft Teams 中的每个单独团队。 If you want to install your app for a specific team, this will need to be on for that team.如果您想为特定团队安装应用程序,则需要为该团队启用。
  • User custom app policy => User can upload custom apps => On/Off — This setting controls the permissions for an individual user.用户自定义应用策略 => 用户可以上传自定义应用 => 开/关 — 此设置控制单个用户的权限。 You'll need to enable this for individuals that are allowed to upload custom apps.您需要为允许上传自定义应用程序的个人启用此功能。

And then you'll also need to have permissions to install to the team you're trying to install to.然后,您还需要拥有安装到您尝试安装到的团队的权限。

For more information, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading有关详细信息,请参阅: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-打开自定义应用程序上传

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