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为什么 Powershell 中的 -like 运算符在没有通配符的情况下工作?

[英]Why does -like operator in Powershell works without wildcard?

As far as I know this operator works only with wildcard syntax but why in this case it actually worked out?据我所知,该运算符仅适用于通配符语法,但为什么在这种情况下它实际上有效?

PS C:\Users\Danie\Pictures> Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Extension -Like ".jpg"}
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         4/3/2020      1:55        1253954 16009807808_f3f4709393_k.jpg

It works out because the Extension property value in your case is exactly .jpg .之所以可行,是因为您的Extension属性值恰好是.jpg

As Lee_Dailey mentions , using -like without any wildcard characters in your pattern is functionally equivalent to $string -eq $pattern .正如Lee_Dailey 所提到的,在模式中使用-like而没有任何通配符在功能上等同于$string -eq $pattern

Why use -like then?!那为什么要使用-like呢?!

In your case there's no functional difference because Extension is already of type [string] - but there is one good reason to use -like over -eq when doing string comparisons - and that is that -like only does string comparison , meaning that you can guarantee both operands are treated as strings during comparison.在您的情况下,没有功能差异,因为Extension已经是[string]类型 - 但是在进行字符串比较时使用-like而不是-eq一个很好的理由 - 那就是-like只进行字符串比较,这意味着您可以保证在比较期间两个操作数都被视为字符串。

With -eq , the comparison being made depends entirely on the type of the left-hand side ( or lhs ) operand:使用-eq ,进行的比较完全取决于左侧(或lhs )操作数的类型:

PS C:\> $null -eq ""  # $null is not a string
PS C:\> $null -like ""  # But -like attempts to convert $null to [string], we get an empty one

This goes for any operand type, not just $null :这适用于任何操作数类型,而不仅仅是$null

PS C:\> (Get-Item C:\Windows) -eq 'C:\Windows'    # [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] is also not [string]
PS C:\> (Get-Item C:\Windows) -like 'C:\Windows'  # But `-like` treats it as one

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