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在 canvas 上绘制片段视图

[英]Draw a fragments view on a canvas

I am trying to draw the view of a fragment onto a canvas to export it as a image.我正在尝试将片段的视图绘制到 canvas 上以将其导出为图像。 I tried following this querstion: Android: Draw a view on canvas and managed to draw a inflated view onto a canvas, but when I try to draw the fragments view onto it, it messes up the layout.我尝试按照以下问题进行操作: Android: Draw a view on canvas并设法在 canvas 上绘制了一个膨胀视图,但是当我尝试将其绘制到布局上时,它会将视图碎片化。

This is my fragment host:这是我的片段主机:


This is how I draw on my canvas这就是我在 canvas 上绘图的方式

        .replace(R.id.fragment_host, MyTrackViewerFragment().apply {
            onCreateControls = {

                bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(1000, 1000, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
                val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)

                it.apply {
                    layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(1000, 1000)
                    measure(measuredWidth, measuredHeight)
                    layout(0, 0, 1000, 1000)


This is the result (the black square is the preview image view):这是结果(黑色方块是预览图像视图):

The fragment in the fragment host draws correcly, also after calling the measure and layout method.在调用 measure 和 layout 方法之后,fragment host 中的 fragment 也可以正确绘制。

A different fragment gives similiar results (the square is the preview image view):不同的片段给出了类似的结果(正方形是预览图像视图):

What am I missing?我错过了什么?

EDIT: It seems like layout(0, 0, 1000, 1000) messes up the layout, but I can't find why编辑:似乎layout(0, 0, 1000, 1000)弄乱了布局,但我找不到原因

Figured out the issue came with the RelativeLayout and use of match_parent or wrap_content .发现问题与RelativeLayoutmatch_parentwrap_content的使用有关。 It looks like it did not layout properly and thus the view looked somehow correct in the Fragment but not when measuring it manually.看起来它没有正确布局,因此视图在片段中看起来有点正确,但在手动测量时却不正确。

By wrapping the RelativeLayout inside of a LinearLayout and giving misaligned elements a fixed size (px or dp) it finally worked!通过将 RelativeLayout 包装在 LinearLayout 中并为未对齐的元素提供固定大小(px 或 dp),它终于奏效了!

Maybe these views are H/W accelerated.也许这些观点是硬件加速的。 Try using PixelCopy instead.尝试改用PixelCopy

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