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[英]Axis labels not spacing correctly

I am trying to plot column data vs the row label of a data frame.我正在尝试 plot 列数据与数据帧的 label 行。 When I do so, the plot looks good but the the Y axis starts to look illegible as the number of rows is increased.当我这样做时,plot 看起来不错,但随着行数的增加,Y 轴开始看起来难以辨认。 What I don't get it why does the automatic spacing for the X axis work fine but not the same for the Y axis.我不明白为什么 X 轴的自动间距工作正常但 Y 轴的自动间距不一样。

x1 = M.iloc[:,1]

Where the variable "x" represents Column 0 values of dataframe "M" below其中变量“x”代表下面 dataframe“M”的第 0 列值


The "M" dataframe: "M" dataframe:

            0.0         0.5   1.0
0           300  300.000000  1550
1.00e-01 s  300  300.769527  1550
2.00e-01 s  300  301.538106  1550
3.00e-01 s  300  302.305739  1550
2.80e+00 s  300  321.192396  1550
2.90e+00 s  300  321.935830  1550


So it seems it's the formatting of the first column being in scientific notation that is messing things up, still not sure why however所以似乎是第一列的格式是科学记数法把事情搞砸了,但仍然不知道为什么

x = [0]
while i < 30:
    q = i*0.1
    xx = str('{:.2e}'.format(q)) + ' s'
    i = i + 1

M = pd.DataFrame(index=x, columns=3)

So in the code above, it is the line xx = str('{:.2e}'.format(q)) + ' s' that is making the Y-labels go crazy.所以在上面的代码中,是xx = str('{:.2e}'.format(q)) + ' s'行让 Y 标签 go 变得疯狂。 I unfortunately can't take it out as I need them to be in scientific notation.不幸的是,我无法将其取出,因为我需要它们以科学记数法表示。

You can try tick-spacing if okay to eliminate few tick labels.如果可以消除一些刻度标签,您可以尝试刻度间距。 Other options are to increase you plot size or decrase font size for y labels.其他选项是增加 plot 大小或减小 y 标签的字体大小。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker

x1 = M.iloc[:,1]

tick_spacing = 2 # or whatever label gap you want to use.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

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