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为什么向数组类型 object 声明和赋值会抛出超出范围的错误?

[英]Why declaring and assigning values to array type object is throwing out of bound error?

I have defined this:我已经定义了这个:

DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation[] HeaderOperation = new DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation[] { };
HeaderOperation[0].DAUNO = Convert.ToString(dr["Duration"]);
HeaderOperation[0].DAUNE = Convert.ToString(dr["DurationUnit"]);

But it throws error:但它会引发错误:

Index was outside the bounds of the array.指数数组的边界之外。

DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation is of type array. DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation是数组类型。

You need to add length specifier to declare array.您需要添加长度说明符来声明数组。 Length specifier indicates that how many elements are contained by your array.长度说明符指示数组包含多少元素。 See: Single-Dimensional Arrays参见: 单维 Arrays

DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation[] HeaderOperation = new DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation[1];
HeaderOperation[0] = new DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation()
    DAUNO = Convert.ToString(dr["Duration"]),
    DAUNE = Convert.ToString(dr["DurationUnit"])

Or you can use this Array Initialization as follow.In this case, the length specifier is not needed because it is already supplied by the number of elements in the initialization list.或者您可以按如下方式使用此数组初始化。在这种情况下,不需要长度说明符,因为它已经由初始化列表中的元素数提供。

DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation[] HeaderOperation = new DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation[]
    new DT_OrderResponseOrderHeaderOperation()
        DAUNO = Convert.ToString(dr["Duration"]),
        DAUNE = Convert.ToString(dr["DurationUnit"])

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