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这甚至可能吗? 将命令/对象从一个 python shell 发送到另一个?

[英]is this even possible? send commands/objects from one python shell to another?

I have a question I wasn't really able to solve after doing a little digging, and this is also not my area of expertise so I really don't even know what I'm looking for.我有一个问题在做了一点挖掘之后我真的无法解决,这也不是我的专业领域,所以我什至不知道我在寻找什么。

I'm wondering if it's possible to "link" together two python shells?我想知道是否可以将两个 python 外壳“链接”在一起?

This is the actual use case...这是实际用例...

I am working with a program that has it's own dedicated python shell built into the GUI.我正在使用一个程序,它有自己的专用 python shell 内置到 GUI 中。 When you run commands in the internal python shell, the GUI updates in real-time reflecting the commands you ran.当您在内部 python shell 中运行命令时,GUI 会实时更新以反映您运行的命令。

The problem is, the scripting environment is terrible.问题是,脚本环境很糟糕。 It's basically a textpad next to a shell and is just constant copy and pasting, no serious development could ever really be achieved.它基本上是 shell 旁边的文本板,只是不断的复制和粘贴,无法真正实现真正的开发。

What I want to do is open my IDE (VSCode/Spyder) so I can have a proper environment, but be able to run commands in my IDE that somehow get sent to softwares internal python shell. What I want to do is open my IDE (VSCode/Spyder) so I can have a proper environment, but be able to run commands in my IDE that somehow get sent to softwares internal python shell.

Is it possible to somehow detect the open shell in the software and connect/link or make a pipe between the two python instances?是否有可能以某种方式检测软件中打开的 shell 并在两个 python 实例之间连接/链接或创建 pipe? So I can pass commands / python objects between the two and basically have the same state of variables in each?所以我可以在两者之间传递命令/ python 对象,并且基本上每个变量都有相同的 state 变量?

The closest I've come to seeing something like what I want is using the multiprocessing module.我最接近看到我想要的东西是使用multiprocessing模块。 Or perhaps socket or pexpect ?或者也许是socketpexpect

Passing data between separately running Python scripts 在单独运行的 Python 脚本之间传递数据

How to share variables across scripts in python? 如何在 python 中跨脚本共享变量?

Even if it's just one way communication that might work, just want to be able to use this software in a proper development env.即使这只是一种可行的通信方式,也只是希望能够在适当的开发环境中使用该软件。

Honestly I don't really have a clue what I'm doing and hoping for some help here..老实说,我真的不知道我在做什么,并希望在这里得到一些帮助.. 目标


It is a complex request.这是一个复杂的要求。 I don't think can be achieved with a trick.我不认为可以通过技巧来实现。 Or you own the process in which is running blender (meaning that you import it's api), or you attach to the process (using gdb, but I don't know if then you can use the IDE you wanted) or you use an IDE with pydevd included. Or you own the process in which is running blender (meaning that you import it's api), or you attach to the process (using gdb, but I don't know if then you can use the IDE you wanted) or you use an IDE包含pydevd And even so, I don't know how much you can achieve.即便如此,我也不知道你能达到多少。

Synchronize two python process is not trivial.同步两个 python 过程并非易事。 The answer shows a little of that.答案显示了一点。

PyDev.Debugger PyDev.调试器

You want to find a way to synchronize two python objects that lives in different python instances.您想找到一种方法来同步位于不同 python 实例中的两个 python 对象。 I think that the only real solution to your problem is to setup a pydevd server and connect to it.我认为解决您的问题的唯一真正方法是设置一个pydevd服务器并连接到它。 It is simpler if you use one of the supported IDE, like PyDEV or PyCharm since they have everything in place to do so:如果您使用受支持的 IDE 之一(如 PyDEV 或 PyCharm)会更简单,因为它们已准备就绪:

The work carried out by pydev is not trivial, the repository is quite a project. pydev的工作不是微不足道的,存储库是一个相当大的项目。 It is your best bet, but I cannot guarantee you it will work.这是你最好的选择,但我不能保证它会奏效。

Process Communication进程通信

The usual communication solution will not work because they serialize and deserialize (pickle and unpickle) data behind the scenes.通常的通信解决方案将不起作用,因为它们在幕后序列化和反序列化(pickle 和 unpickle)数据。 Let's have an example, implementing a server in the blender process that receives arbitrary code as a string and execute it, sending back the last result of the code.让我们举个例子,在搅拌机进程中实现一个服务器,它接收任意代码作为字符串并执行它,发回代码的最后结果。 The result will be received by the client as a Python object, thus you can use your IDE interface to inspect it, or you can even run some code on it.客户端将收到结果为 Python object,因此您可以使用 IDE 接口对其进行检查,甚至可以在其上运行一些代码。 There are limitations:有以下限制:

  • not everything can be received by the client (eg class definition must exist in the client)并非所有内容都可以被客户端接收(例如 class 定义必须存在于客户端中)
  • only pickable objects can transit on the connection只有可拾取的对象才能在连接上传输
  • the object in the client and in the server are different: modifications made on the client will not be applied on the server without additional (quite complex) logic客户端和服务器中的 object 是不同的:如果没有额外的(相当复杂的)逻辑,客户端上的修改将不会应用到服务器上

This is the server that should run on your Blender instance这是应该在 Blender 实例上运行的服务器

from multiprocessing.connection import Listener
from threading import Thread
import pdb
import traceback

import ast
import copy

# This is your configuration, chose a strong password and only open
# on localhost, because you are opening an arbitrary code execution
# server. It is not much but at least we cover something.
port = 6000
address = ('', port)
authkey = b'blender'
# If you want to run it from another machine, you must set the address
# to '' (on Linux, on Windows is not accepted and you have to
# specify the interface that will accept the connection) 

# Credits: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52361938/2319299
# Awesome piece of code, it is a carbon copy from there

def convertExpr2Expression(Expr):
    Convert a "subexpression" of a piece of code in an actual
    Expression in order to be handled by eval without a syntax error

    :param Expr: input expression
    :return: an ast.Expression object correctly initialized
    Expr.lineno = 0
    Expr.col_offset = 0
    result = ast.Expression(Expr.value, lineno=0, col_offset=0)
    return result

def exec_with_return(code):
    We need an evaluation with return value. The only two function 
    that are available are `eval` and `exec`, where the first evaluates
    an expression, returning the result and the latter evaluates arbitrary code
    but does not return.

    Those two functions intercept the commands coming from the client and checks
    if the last line is an expression. All the code is executed with an `exec`,
    if the last one is an expression (e.g. "a = 10"), then it will return the 
    result of the expression, if it is not an expression (e.g. "import os")
    then it will only `exec` it.

    It is bindend with the global context, thus it saves the variables there.

    :param code: string of code
    :return: object if the last line is an expression, None otherwise
    code_ast = ast.parse(code)
    init_ast = copy.deepcopy(code_ast)
    init_ast.body = code_ast.body[:-1]
    last_ast = copy.deepcopy(code_ast)
    last_ast.body = code_ast.body[-1:]
    exec(compile(init_ast, "<ast>", "exec"), globals())
    if type(last_ast.body[0]) == ast.Expr:
        return eval(compile(convertExpr2Expression(last_ast.body[0]), "<ast>", "eval"), globals())
        exec(compile(last_ast, "<ast>", "exec"), globals())

# End of carbon copy code

class ArbitraryExecutionServer(Thread):
    We create a server execute arbitrary piece of code (the most dangerous
    approach ever, but needed in this case) and it is capable of sending
    python object. There is an important thing to keep in mind. It cannot send
    **not pickable** objects, that probably **include blender objects**!

    This is a dirty server to be used as an example, the only way to close 
    it is by sending the "quit" string on the connection. You can envision
    your stopping approach as you wish

    It is a Thread object, remeber to initialize it and then call the
    start method on it.

    :param address: the tuple with address interface and port
    :param authkey: the connection "password"

    QUIT = "quit" ## This is the string that closes the server

    def __init__(self, address, authkey):
        self.address = address
        self.authkey = authkey

    def run(self):
        last_input = ""
        with Listener(self.address, authkey=self.authkey) as server:
            with server.accept() as connection:
                while last_input != self.__class__.QUIT:
                        last_input = connection.recv()
                        if last_input != self.__class__.QUIT:
                            result = exec_with_return(last_input) # Evaluating remote input                       
                        # In case of an error we return a formatted string of the exception
                        # as a little plus to understand what's happening

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = ArbitraryExecutionServer(address, authkey)
    server.start() # You have to start the server thread
    pdb.set_trace() # I'm using a set_trace to get a repl in the server.
                    # You can start to interact with the server via the client
    server.join() # Remember to join the thread at the end, by sending quit

While this is the client in your VSCode虽然这是您的 VSCode 中的客户端

import time
from multiprocessing.connection import Client

# This is your configuration, should be coherent with 
# the one on the server to allow the connection
port = 6000
address = ('', port)
authkey = b'blender'

class ArbitraryExecutionClient:
    QUIT = "quit"

    def __init__(self, address, authkey):
        self.address = address
        self.authkey = authkey
        self.connection = Client(address, authkey=authkey)

    def close(self):
        time.sleep(0.5)  # Gives some time before cutting connection

    def send(self, code):
        Run an arbitrary piece of code on the server. If the
        last line is an expression a python object will be returned.
        Otherwise nothing is returned
        code = str(code)
        result = self.connection.recv()
        return result

    def repl(self):
        Run code in a repl loop fashion until user enter "quit". Closing
        the repl will not close the connection. It must be manually 
        last_input = ""
        last_result = None
        while last_input != self.__class__.QUIT:
            last_input = input("REMOTE >>> ")
            if last_input != self.__class__.QUIT:
                last_result = self.send(last_input)
        return last_result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    client = ArbitraryExecutionClient(address, authkey)
    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

At the bottom of the script there is also how to launch them while having pdb as "repl".在脚本的底部还有如何在将pdb设置为“repl”时启动它们。 With this configuration you can run arbitrary code from the client on the server (and in fact it is an extremely dangerous scenario , but for your very specific situation is valid, or better "the main requirement").使用此配置,您可以从服务器上的客户端运行任意代码(实际上这是一个极其危险的场景,但对于您非常具体的情况是有效的,或者更好的“主要要求”)。

Let's dive into the limitation I anticipated.让我们深入了解我预期的限制。

You can define a class Foo on the server:您可以在服务器上定义一个 class Foo

[client] >>> client = ArbitraryExecutionClient(address, authkey)
[client] >>> client.send("class Foo: pass")

[server] >>> Foo
[server] <class '__main__.Foo'>

and you can define an object named "foo" onthe server, but you will immediately receive an error because the class Foo does not exist in the local instance (this time using the repl):并且您可以在服务器上定义一个名为“foo”的 object,但您会立即收到错误消息,因为本地实例中不存在 class Foo (这次使用 repl):

[client] >>> client.repl()
[client] REMOTE >>> foo = Foo()
[client] None
[client] REMOTE >>> foo
[client] *** AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'Foo' on <module '__main__' from 'client.py'>

this error appears because there is no declaration of the Foo class in the local instance, thus there is no way to correctly unpickle the received object (this problem will appear with all the Blender objects. Take notice, if the object is in some way importable, it may still work, we will see later on this situation).出现此错误是因为在本地实例中没有声明Foo class,因此无法正确解开收到的 object(此问题将出现在所有 Blender 对象中。请注意,如果 ZA8CFDE6331BD4B62AC96F8911 ,它可能仍然有效,我们稍后会看到这种情况)。

The only way to not receive the error is to previously declare the class also on the client, but they will not be the same object, as you can see by looking at their ids:不收到错误的唯一方法是事先在客户端上声明 class,但它们不会是相同的 object,正如您可以通过查看它们的 id 看到的那样:

[client] >>> class Foo: pass
[client] >>> client.send("foo")
[client] <__main__.Foo object at 0x0000021E2F2F3488>

[server] >>> foo
[server] <__main__.Foo object at 0x00000203AE425308>

Their id are different because they live in a different memory space: they are completely different instances, and you have to manually synchronize every operation on them!它们的 id 不同,因为它们生活在不同的 memory 空间中:它们是完全不同的实例,您必须手动同步对它们的每个操作!

If the class definition is in some way importable and the object are pickable, you can avoid to multiply the class definition, as far as I can see it will be automatically imported:如果 class 定义在某种程度上是可导入的,并且 object 是可选的,则可以避免乘以 class 定义,据我所知它将自动导入:

[client] >>> client.repl()
[client] REMOTE >>> import numpy as np
[client] None
[client] REMOTE >>> ary = np.array([1, 2, 3])
[client] None
[client] REMOTE >>> ary
[client] [1 2 3]
[client] REMOTE >>> quit
[client] array([1, 2, 3])
[client] >>> ary = client.send("ary")
[client] >>> ary
[client] array([1, 2, 3])
[client] >>> type(ary)
[client] <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

We never imported on the client numpy but we have correctly received the object.我们从未在客户端numpy上导入,但我们已正确收到 object。 But what happen if we modify the local instance to the remote instance?但是如果我们将本地实例修改为远程实例会发生什么?

[client] >>> ary[0] = 10
[client] >>> ary
[client] array([10,  2,  3])
[client] >>> client.send("ary")
[client] array([1, 2, 3])

[server] >>> ary
[server] array([1, 2, 3])

we have no synchronization of the modifications inside the object.我们没有同步 object 内部的修改。

What happens if an object is not pickable?如果 object 不可拾取怎么办? We can test with the server variable, an object that is a Thread and contains a connection, which are both non pickable (meaning that you cannot give them an invertible representation as a list of bytes):我们可以使用server变量进行测试,一个 object 是一个Thread并包含一个连接,它们都是不可选择的(意味着你不能给它们一个可逆的表示作为字节列表):

[server] >>> import pickle
[server] >>> pickle.dumps(server)
[server] *** TypeError: can't pickle _thread.lock objects

and also we can see the error on the client, trying to receive it:我们也可以在客户端看到错误,尝试接收它:

[client] >>> client.send("server")
[client] ... traceback for "TypeError: can't pickle _thread.lock objects" exception ...

I don't think there is a "simple" solution for this problem, but I think there is some library (like pydevd ) that implements a full protocol for overcoming this problem.我不认为这个问题有一个“简单”的解决方案,但我认为有一些库(如pydevd )实现了一个完整的协议来克服这个问题。

I hope now my comments are more clear.我希望现在我的评论更清楚。

Here is all the pieces put together!这是所有的部分放在一起!

  • Multithreading so that both the file processing system and the Python interactive shell can work at the same time.多线程使文件处理系统和 Python 交互式 shell 可以同时工作。
  • Variables are updated between the interactive shell and the file.变量在交互式 shell 和文件之间更新。 In other words, the file and the interactive shell shares variables, functions, classes, etc.换句话说,文件和交互式 shell 共享变量、函数、类等。
  • Instant update between shell and file. shell 和文件之间的即时更新。


import threading
import platform
import textwrap
import traceback
import hashlib
import runpy
import code
import time
import sys
import os

def clear_console():
    """ Clear your console depending on OS. """

    if platform.system() == "Windows":
    elif platform.system() in ("Darwin", "Linux"):

def get_file_md5(file_name):
    """ Grabs the md5 hash of the file. """

    with open(file_name, "rb") as f:
        return hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()

def track_file(file_name, one_way=False):
    """ Process external file. """

    # Grabs current md5 of file.
    md5 = get_file_md5(file_name)

    # Flag for the first run.
    first_run = True

    # If the event is set, thread gracefully quits by exiting loop.
    while not event_close_thread.is_set():


        # Gets updated (if any) md5 hash of file.
        md5_current = get_file_md5(file_name)
        if md5 != md5_current or first_run:
            md5 = md5_current

            # Executes the content of the file.
                # Gather the threads global scope to update the main thread's scope.
                thread_scope = runpy.run_path(file_name, init_globals=globals())

                if not one_way:
                    # Updates main thread's scope with other thread..

                # Prints updated only after first run.
                if not first_run:
                    print(f'\n{"="*20} File {file_name} updated! {"="*20}\n>>> ', end="")
                    first_run = False

                    f'\n{"="*20} File {file_name} threw error! {"="*20}\n {traceback.format_exc()}\n>>> ',

def track(file_name):
    """ Initializes tracking thread (must be started with .start()). """

    print(f'{"="*20} File {file_name} being tracked! {"="*20}')
    return threading.Thread(target=track_file, args=(file_name,)).start()

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Creates a thread event for garbage collection, and file lock.
    event_close_thread = threading.Event()

    banner = textwrap.dedent(
        {"="*20} Entering Inception Shell {"="*20}\n
        This shell allows the sharing of the global scope between
        Python files and the Python interactive shell. To use:

        \t >>> track("script.py", one_way=False)

        On update of the file 'script.py' this shell will execute the
        file (passing the shells global variables to it), and then, if
        one_way is False, update its own global variables to that of the
        file's execution.

    # Begins interactive shell.
    code.interact(banner=banner, readfunc=None, local=globals(), exitmsg="")

    # Gracefully exits the thread.

    # Exits shell.
    print(f'\n{"="*20} Exiting Inception Shell {"="*20}')

One liner:一个班轮:

exec("""\nimport threading\nimport platform\nimport textwrap\nimport traceback\nimport hashlib\nimport runpy\nimport code\nimport time\nimport sys\nimport os\n\n\ndef clear_console():\n    \"\"\" Clear your console depending on OS. \"\"\"\n\n    if platform.system() == "Windows":\n        os.system("cls")\n    elif platform.system() in ("Darwin", "Linux"):\n        os.system("clear")\n\n\ndef get_file_md5(file_name):\n    \"\"\" Grabs the md5 hash of the file. \"\"\"\n\n    with open(file_name, "rb") as f:\n        return hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()\n\n\ndef track_file(file_name, one_way=False):\n    \"\"\" Process external file. \"\"\"\n\n    # Grabs current md5 of file.\n    md5 = get_file_md5(file_name)\n\n    # Flag for the first run.\n    first_run = True\n\n    # If the event is set, thread gracefully quits by exiting loop.\n    while not event_close_thread.is_set():\n\n        time.sleep(0.1)\n\n        # Gets updated (if any) md5 hash of file.\n        md5_current = get_file_md5(file_name)\n        if md5 != md5_current or first_run:\n            md5 = md5_current\n\n            # Executes the content of the file.\n            try:\n                # Gather the threads global scope to update the main thread's scope.\n                thread_scope = runpy.run_path(file_name, init_globals=globals())\n\n                if not one_way:\n                    # Updates main thread's scope with other thread..\n                    globals().update(thread_scope)\n\n                # Prints updated only after first run.\n                if not first_run:\n                    print(f'\\n{"="*20} File {file_name} updated! {"="*20}\\n>>> ', end="")\n                else:\n                    first_run = False\n\n            except:\n                print(\n                    f'\\n{"="*20} File {file_name} threw error! {"="*20}\\n {traceback.format_exc()}\\n>>> ',\n                    end="",\n                )\n\n\ndef track(file_name):\n    \"\"\" Initializes tracking thread (must be started with .start()). \"\"\"\n\n    print(f'{"="*20} File {file_name} being tracked! {"="*20}')\n    return threading.Thread(target=track_file, args=(file_name,)).start()\n\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n    clear_console()\n\n    # Creates a thread event for garbage collection, and file lock.\n    event_close_thread = threading.Event()\n\n    banner = textwrap.dedent(\n        f\"\"\"\\\n        {"="*20} Entering Inception Shell {"="*20}\\n\n        This shell allows the sharing of the global scope between\n        Python files and the Python interactive shell. To use:\n\n        \\t >>> track("script.py", one_way=False)\n\n        On update of the file 'script.py' this shell will execute the\n        file (passing the shells global variables to it), and then, if\n        one_way is False, update its own global variables to that of the\n        file's execution.\n        \"\"\"\n    )\n\n    # Begins interactive shell.\n    code.interact(banner=banner, readfunc=None, local=globals(), exitmsg="")\n\n    # Gracefully exits the thread.\n    event_close_thread.set()\n\n    # Exits shell.\n    print(f'\\n{"="*20} Exiting Inception Shell {"="*20}')\n    exit()\n""")

Try the following for your Blender shell:为您的 Blender shell 尝试以下操作:

import threading
import traceback
import hashlib
import runpy
import time

def get_file_md5(file_name):
    """ Grabs the md5 hash of the file. """

    with open(file_name, "rb") as f:
        return hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()

def track_file(file_name, one_way=False):
    """ Process external file. """

    # Grabs current md5 of file.
    md5 = get_file_md5(file_name)

    # Flag for the first run.
    first_run = True

    # If the event is set, thread gracefully quits by exiting loop.
    while not event_close_thread.is_set():


        # Gets updated (if any) md5 hash of file.
        md5_current = get_file_md5(file_name)
        if md5 != md5_current or first_run:
            md5 = md5_current

            # Executes the content of the file.
                # Gather the threads global scope to update the main thread's scope.
                thread_scope = runpy.run_path(file_name, init_globals=globals())

                if not one_way:
                    # Updates main thread's scope with other thread..

                # Prints updated only after first run.
                if not first_run:
                        f'\n{"="*20} File {file_name} updated! {"="*20}\n>>> ', end=""
                    first_run = False

                    f'\n{"="*20} File {file_name} threw error! {"="*20}\n {traceback.format_exc()}\n>>> ',

def track(file_name):
    """ Initializes tracking thread (must be started with .start()). """

    print(f'{"="*20} File {file_name} being tracked! {"="*20}')
    return threading.Thread(target=track_file, args=(file_name,)).start()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Creates a thread event for garbage collection, and file lock.
    event_close_thread = threading.Event()

    # Gracefully exits the thread.

One liner:一个班轮:

exec("""\nimport threading\nimport traceback\nimport hashlib\nimport runpy\nimport time\n\n\ndef get_file_md5(file_name):\n    \"\"\" Grabs the md5 hash of the file. \"\"\"\n\n    with open(file_name, "rb") as f:\n        return hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()\n\n\ndef track_file(file_name, one_way=False):\n    \"\"\" Process external file. \"\"\"\n\n    # Grabs current md5 of file.\n    md5 = get_file_md5(file_name)\n\n    # Flag for the first run.\n    first_run = True\n\n    # If the event is set, thread gracefully quits by exiting loop.\n    while not event_close_thread.is_set():\n\n        time.sleep(0.1)\n\n        # Gets updated (if any) md5 hash of file.\n        md5_current = get_file_md5(file_name)\n        if md5 != md5_current or first_run:\n            md5 = md5_current\n\n            # Executes the content of the file.\n            try:\n                # Gather the threads global scope to update the main thread's scope.\n                thread_scope = runpy.run_path(file_name, init_globals=globals())\n\n                if not one_way:\n                    # Updates main thread's scope with other thread..\n                    globals().update(thread_scope)\n\n                # Prints updated only after first run.\n                if not first_run:\n                    print(\n                        f'\\n{"="*20} File {file_name} updated! {"="*20}\\n>>> ', end=""\n                    )\n                else:\n                    first_run = False\n\n            except:\n                print(\n                    f'\\n{"="*20} File {file_name} threw error! {"="*20}\\n {traceback.format_exc()}\\n>>> ',\n                    end="",\n                )\n\n\ndef track(file_name):\n    \"\"\" Initializes tracking thread (must be started with .start()). \"\"\"\n\n    print(f'{"="*20} File {file_name} being tracked! {"="*20}')\n    return threading.Thread(target=track_file, args=(file_name,)).start()\n\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n    # Creates a thread event for garbage collection, and file lock.\n    event_close_thread = threading.Event()\n\n    # Gracefully exits the thread.\n    event_close_thread.set()\n""")

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