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Drupal 网络表单是否使用 HTML 构建?

[英]Are Drupal webforms built using HTML?

I want to know what kind of code is behind Drupal webforms.我想知道 Drupal 网络表单背后有什么样的代码。 Is it all HTML with the input tag?输入标签全是 HTML 吗?

Other than Drupal, what is mostly used to build webforms?除了 Drupal 之外,主要用于构建 Web 表单的是什么?

This should get you started https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/webform https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/webform/webform-features This should get you started https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/webform https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/webform/webform-features

The webforms are rendered as HTML, but are stored as Drupal entities in MySQL. Web 表单呈现为 HTML,但在 MySQL 中存储为 Drupal 实体。 The submissions from the HTML are also stored in MySQL based on the schema.来自 HTML 的提交也基于模式存储在 MySQL 中。 I can't see any public documentation around what the specific schema is for webforms, but if you want to know the place to ask would be here https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/webform?text=&status=All&priorities=All&categories=4&version=any_8.x-&component=All我看不到任何关于 Web 表单的特定架构的公共文档,但是如果您想知道要问的地方是这里https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/webform?text=&status=全部&priorities=全部&categories=4&version=any_8.x-&component=全部

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