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Postgres:REGEXP_REPLACE 使用多列

[英]Postgres: REGEXP_REPLACE using multiple columns

I have a table like this:我有一张这样的桌子:

Address                      | Remove1 | Remove2 | Remove3
100 Street, City, State Zip  | Street  |  City   | State

I want output like this:我想要这样的 output :

Address                      | Remove1 | Remove2 | Remove3 | OutputCol
100 Street, City, State Zip  | Street  |  City   | State   | 100 *, *, * Zip

Basically I want to replace the text in Address Column matching on multiple remove columns with '*'基本上我想用'*'替换多个删除列上的地址列匹配中的文本

I have tried using REGEXP_REPLACE and REPLACE functions but both of them are giving partial results.我曾尝试使用REGEXP_REPLACEREPLACE函数,但它们都给出了部分结果。 Is there a way I can use the REGEXP_REPLACE(Address, (Remove1|Remove2|Remove3), '*', 'g') ?有没有办法可以使用REGEXP_REPLACE(Address, (Remove1|Remove2|Remove3), '*', 'g')

I think that you are quite close.我认为你很接近。 You just need to properly concatenate the column values, like so:您只需要正确连接列值,如下所示:

    concat_ws('|', remove1, remove2, remove3),

Demo on DB Fiddle : DB Fiddle 上的演示

    regexp_replace(address, concat_ws('|', remove1, remove2, remove3), '*', 'g') OuputCol 
from mytable t
address                     | remove1 | remove2 | remove3 | ouputcol       
:-------------------------- | :------ | :------ | :------ | :--------------
100 Street, City, State Zip | Street  | City    | State   | 100 *, *, * Zip

This is same as what you did.这和你做的一样。 You just need string concatenation你只需要字符串连接

with wt as 
   select '100 Street, City, State Zip' address, 
     'Street' Remove1, 'City' Remove2, 'State' Remove3
select REGEXP_REPLACE(address, '(' || Remove1 || '|' || Remove2 ||'|'||Remove3 ||')' , '*', 'g') from wt


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