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并行运行两个不同的进程py 3.8

[英]running two different proceses in parallel py 3.8

I want to develop a system that reads input from two devices at the same time.我想开发一个同时从两个设备读取输入的系统。 Each process works independently at the moment but since I need to sync them, I want them both to write their output on the same file.每个进程目前独立工作,但由于我需要同步它们,我希望它们都将 output 写入同一个文件。

import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import Pool
import time

# running the data aquisition from the screen
def Screen(fname):

    for x in range(1, 9):
        fname.write(str(x)+ '\n')

# running the data aquisition from the EEG 
def EEG(fname):

    for y in range(10, 19):
        fname.write(str(y)+ '\n')

# main program body #

# open the common file that the processes write to
fname = open('C:/Users/Yaron/Documents/Python Scripts/research/demofile.txt', 'w+')

pool = Pool(processes=2)

p1 = pool.map_async(Screen,fname)
p2 = pool.map_async(EEG,fname)

print ('end')


In multiprocessing, depending on the OS you may not be able to pass an open file handle to the process.在多处理中,根据操作系统,您可能无法将打开的文件句柄传递给进程。 Here's code that should work on any OS:以下是适用于任何操作系统的代码:

import multiprocessing as mp
import time

def Screen(fname,lock):
    with open(fname,'a') as f:
        for y in range(1,11):
            with lock:

def EEG(fname,lock):
    with open(fname,'a') as f:
        for y in range(11, 21):
            with lock:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fname = 'demofile.txt'
    lock = mp.Lock()
    with open(fname,'w'): pass  # truncates existing file and closes it
    processes = [mp.Process(target=Screen,args=(fname,lock)),
    s = time.perf_counter()
    for p in processes:
    for p in processes:
    print (f'end (time={time.perf_counter() - s}s)')

Some notes:一些注意事项:

  • Open the file in each process.在每个进程中打开文件。 Windows, for example, doesn't fork() the process and doesn't inherit the handle.例如,Windows 不会 fork() 进程,也不会继承句柄。 The handle isn't picklable to pass between processes.句柄不能在进程之间传递。
  • Open the file for append.打开 append 的文件。 Two processes would have two different file pointers.两个进程将有两个不同的文件指针。 Append makes sure it seeks to the end each time. Append 确保它每次都寻找到最后。
  • Protect the file accesses with a lock for serialization.使用序列化锁保护文件访问。 Create the lock in the main thread and pass the same Lock to each process.在主线程中创建锁并将相同的锁传递给每个进程。
  • Use if __name__ == '__main__': to run one-time code in the main thread.使用if __name__ == '__main__':在主线程中运行一次性代码。 Some OSes import the script in other processes and this protects the code from running multiple times.一些操作系统将脚本import其他进程,这样可以防止代码多次运行。
  • map_async isn't used correctly. map_async 使用不正确。 It takes an iterable of arguments to pass to the function.它需要一个可迭代的 arguments 传递给 function。 Instead, make the two processes, start them, and join them to wait for completion.相反,创建两个进程,启动它们,然后加入它们等待完成。

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